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Empty the Tanks!

Mediterraneo Marine Park WFQ5+M2, Tul il-Kosta, Naxxar, Malta

 Join us outside the Mediterraneo Marine Park on Saturday 13th May at 10:30 am, in a demonstration on the occasion of global Empty The Tanks Day.  Animal Liberation and Moviment […]


IDAHOBIT – Quizzes and Games

Maori Bar Boat Street, Valletta, Malta

 Wednesday the 17th of May is the international day against homophobia, transphobia and biphobia - IDAHOBIT. This is the day when we celebrate gender and sexual diversity. It is also […]


Konferenza Stampa – Il-Bidla li Rridu fl-Ambjent u l-Ippjanar

Planning Authority St Francis Ravelin, Floriana, Malta

 Ġimgħa qabel il-protesta nazzjonali Xebbajtuna! tas-27 ta’ Mejju, rappreżentanti ta’ komunitajiet u għaqdiet ser jindirizzaw Konferenza Stampa quddiem l-Awtorità tal-Ippjanar sabiex jispjegaw il-bidla urġenti li hawn bżonn fil-politiki tal-ippjanar, fl-awtoritajiet […]


Xebbajtuna! Make Placards with Us

Moviment Graffitti Premises 67, Strait Street, Valletta, Malta

 Join us this Thursday 25th for placard-making in preparation for Saturday's National Protest ‘Xebbajtuna! Bidla fl-Ambjent u l-Ippjanar ISSA!'  It's time to unleash your creativity and make a powerful statement […]


Xebbajtuna! Bidla fl-Ambjent u l-Ippjanar ISSA! – Protesta Nazzjonali

Triton Fountain Vjal Nelson, Valletta, Malta

 Għaqdiet ambjentali qegħdin isejħu lill-pubbliku sabiex jipparteċipa fi protesta nazzjonali l-Belt Valletta nhar is-Sibt 27 ta’ Mejju. Il-protesta ser tibda fl-10.30 am minn ħdejn il-Funtana tat-Tritoni.  Il-gruppi kollha, formali u […]


Press Conference – Drop the Charges Now!

Law Courts VGX6+9RQ, Republic Street, Valletta, Malta

Local leaders of the El Hiblu 3 campaign would like to invite you to join us this Friday June 9th at the Office of the AG, South Street, Valletta to […]


Sisterhood – Let’s Talk About It

Moviment Graffitti Premises 67, Strait Street, Valletta, Malta

 Come and join us for a community discussion on the theme of ‘Sisterhood’. We want to explore and understand the perceptions of sisterhood, and what it means to us.  When […]


Even REBELS Can Dance – Vol. 4

Maori Bar Boat Street, Valletta, Malta

 Calling all rebels! Yep. It's time. It's been a long, busy, busy winter, but summer is finally with us! So? Time to let loose. We're kicking off summer vibes with […]


Film Screening – Hidden Figures

Moviment Graffitti Premises 67, Strait Street, Valletta, Malta

 Join us for a film screening of the 2016 film ‘Hidden Figures’ as we remember the past and current struggles of women, especially women of colour.  Hidden Figures is based […]


Thrift for Solidarity – Fundraiser for Syrian LGBTIQ+

Maori Bar Boat Street, Valletta, Malta

 MGRM, YMCA Malta, Moviment Graffitti and friends will be thrifting to fundraise for our LGBTQI+ siblings in Syria.  While for a lot of Maltese, the earthquake was a news item […]


Film Screening – The Feminist on Cell Block Y

Moviment Graffitti Premises 67, Strait Street, Valletta, Malta

 Join us for a screening of ‘The Feminist on Cellblock Y’, and a short discussion afterwards!  The 2018 documentary focuses on 22-year old Richie Reseda, who while incarcerated at a […]


Once in a Blue Moon

Lija Boċċi Clubhouse Lija Playground, Lija, Malta

 Join us for a night of live music, dancing, drinks and good people under a blue moon!  Our great bands will be announced soon, and will be sure to have […]
