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Lassana Cisse – The 3rd Anniversary of his Murder

Law Courts VGX6+9RQ, Republic Street, Valletta, Malta

Next Wednesday, we will be marking the third anniversary of the murder of Lassana Cisse.  In 2019, Lassana was killed in cold blood while walking home - allegedly by two […]


Workers’ Day Film Night – Sorry We Missed You

Moviment Graffitti Premises 67, Strait Street, Valletta, Malta

 In celebration of May Day, join us for a Film Night at the Moviment Graffitti Premises on Saturday 30th April, at 6.30pm.  The film screened will be ‘Sorry We Missed […]


Mixja – Save Wied Żnuber

Bengħajsa Church Chapel of Immaculate Conception of Our Lady, Birżebbuġa, Malta

 Il-mixja lejn Wied Żnuber li kellha titħassar minħabba l-maltemp f’Marzu ser issir il-Ħadd 15 ta’ Mejju fid-9:30am.  B’Wied Żnuber u ż-żona tal-madwar mhedda serjament minn pjan għal mitjar tal-mudelli tal-ajruplani, […]


Remembering the Palestinian Nakba

Moviment Graffitti Premises 67, Strait Street, Valletta, Malta

 15 May marks the Palestinian Nakba - the catastrophe - when Zionist militias killed and terrorised Palestinians to make way for the creation of the Israeli state. These acts of […]


Konferenza Stampa – LE għal Solar Farms flok Raba’

Mġarr Solar Farm Site W9F9+83R, Triq San Pietru, Mġarr, Malta

 Nhar is-Sibt 21 ta' Mejju fl-10.30am, ser ningħaqdu mal-bdiewa u r-residenti tal-Imġarr fi Triq San Pietru biex inwasslu t-tħassib serju tagħna dwar l-appell imressaq mill-applikant tas-solar farm fuq ir-raba' fl-Imġarr. […]


Maternity, Paternity, and Parental Leave in Malta – Panel Discussion

Moviment Graffitti Premises 67, Strait Street, Valletta, Malta

Maternity, paternity and parental leave in Malta: Where are we and where do we want to go? Moviment Graffitti is organising a panel discussion about the current situation regarding maternity, […]


Even REBELS Can Dance – Vol. 2

Maori Bar Boat Street, Valletta, Malta

 Even Rebels Can Dance #1 was a blast so we decided to kick those beats off once again next 28th of June - the eve of a Public Holiday.  Ver. […]


Kemmuna ta’ Kulħadd – Nieħdu Lura l-Blue Lagoon

Blue Lagoon Beach Comino Land Charters Malta, Comino, Malta

 Nistednukom tingħaqdu magħna s-Sibt 13 t'Awwissu għal vjaġġ sa Kemmuna, fejn għal darb’oħra se neħilsu lill-Blue Lagoon mill-interessi kummerċjali u neżerċitaw id-dritt tagħna li ngawdu dan il-ġmiel ta’ post.  Se […]


Queeraoke and Dance!

Klabb Ħawaj Klabb Ħawaj, Triq in-Naxxar, San Ġwann, Malta

Pride week AND eve of a public holiday? Perfect opportunity to sing like no ones listening and dance like there's no tomorrow!  Crush Velvet will be hosting AND judging the […]


Safe Space Before Pride March

Moviment Graffitti Premises 67, Strait Street, Valletta, Malta

 As in previous years, Moviment Graffitti will be participating in the Pride March on Saturday, 10th September at 5.00 p.m. Before the March, Moviment Graffitti will be opening its premises […]


Studenti Graffitti at the KSU Freshers’ Week 2022

University of Malta L-Università ta' Malta, Msida, Malta

 Studenti Graffitti will be present at The KSU Freshers’ Week 2022 on Monday the 3rd and Wednesday 5th of October between 9 a.m. and 3.30 p.m.  We invite you to […]


Press Conference – IMPROVE Work-Life Balance Law

Parliament Square Valletta City Gate, Valletta, Malta

Ingħaqdu magħna quddiem il-Parlament nhar it-Tnejn, 3 ta’ Ottubru fil-5.00 p.m. għal konferenza stampa fejn se nkunu qegħdin nitolbu li l-liġi dwar il-bilanċ bejn ix-xogħol u l-ħajja privata tiġi mtejba. […]
