Verses for Choice
Maori Bar Boat Street, Valletta, MaltaAs a member of the coalition Voice for Choice - L-għażla tagħha, Moviment Graffitti is organizing an Open Mic at Maori bar where verses with the theme of freedom of […]
As a member of the coalition Voice for Choice - L-għażla tagħha, Moviment Graffitti is organizing an Open Mic at Maori bar where verses with the theme of freedom of […]
This is an event for everyone! Moviment Graffitti is organising an anti-racism football tournament organizer and children's activities during the day! 16 teams will compete against each other and the […]
Following the serious building collapses that have happened around the island as a result of construction works, Moviment Graffitti is organising a protest in front of the MDA offices this […]
The Courts of Law have sensationally declared that the PA permit for Silvio Debono’s monster is “null and void”. We know the fight doesn’t stop here, but we do have […]
SOS Malta, together with non-profits and civil society organisations in Malta and across the European Union is participating in the European Citizens Initiative 'Housing for All'. The aim of this […]
It is in the interest of all residents of Attard to attend this meeting. This project shall neither reduce traffic nor pollution, but actually increase it due to induced demand, […]
Qabel il-protesta tas-7 ta’ Settembru (Iż-Żejjed Kollu Żejjed - Protesta), il-forum pubbliku “Il-Proposti Tiegħek” jixtieq jiġbor u jagħti spazju lill-opinjonijiet u l-proposti taċ-ċittadini stess, speċjalment dawk marbutin mal-oqsma li huma […]
Il-Moviment Graffitti qed jiftaħ sejħa għall-parteċipazzjoni għal protesta nazzjonali fi spazju ħieles mill-politika partiġġjana nhar is-Sibt 7 ta’ Settembru ġewwa l-Belt Valletta. L-idea wara din il-protesta hija li residenti, bdiewa, […]
As part of Pride week celebrations 2019, we will remember Marsha P. Johnson, an African-American transgender woman and revolutionary LGBTQ rights activist, and the 50th anniversary of the Stonewall Riots. […]
We will be opening up our premises before the start of the Pride March. The space is safe for those who want to change clothes, prepare slogans and just hang […]
On the occasion of International Safe Abortion Day, Voice for Choice will be organising Malta's first Rally for Choice. The international focus of this year's theme is #MyAbortionMyHealth thus the […]
This year is Moviment Graffitti's 25th year. Like any other twenty-five year old who has seen a bit of life already, and yearns for more, we'll be celebrating with some […]