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Jissuġġerixxu Visas Għall-Immigranti

Min-naħa tiegħu, Andre Callus għamilha ċara li l-ewwel prijorita fir-rigward tal-immigrazzjoni hija li nifhmu li qed nitkellmu fuq il-ħajjiet tal-persuni [...]

Objection to Gheriexem Development

The siege on trees and agricultural land seems to be continuing unabated – this time in Gheriexem Road. The proposed [...]

Feedback to Fuel Station Policy

We have just submitted this feedback to the PA as part of the public consultation process leading to the review [...]

Mass Objection to Rabat Valley Promenade

More than 1,100 people have objected to plans to build a new promenade overlooking Ġnien Ħira valley close to the [...]

Pembroke residents meet with President of Malta to outline concerns about ITS project

Pembroke residents outlined their grave concerns about the proposed db Group project on the ITS site during a meeting with [...]

[WATCH] Moviment Graffitti activist discusses work and the economy on Xarabank

Attivist fil-Moviment Graffitti kien fuq il-panel ta’ Xarabank fejn ġew diskussi x-xogħol, l-ekonomija u d-drittijiet tal-ħaddiema. F’dan il-video tistgħu taraw [...]

Il-Prezz tal-Ħobż Għadu Validu Illum Il-Ġurnata?

“Għal dawk in-nies li jinsabu f’livell soċjo-ekonomiku baxx, il-proporzjon tad-dħul tiegħek li jmur f’affarijiet relatati mal-ikel se jkun ogħla minn [...]

Direct action to stop tree cutting

The senseless destruction of the environment in the name of development is a growing problem which needs to be addressed. [...]

Joint NGO statement on the Government’s decision to close Malta’s ports to NGO rescue ships

We are gravely concerned by the Government’s decision to close Malta’s ports to NGO rescue ships. The consequences of this [...]

Hundreds march in Valletta calling on politicians to prioritise preservation of the environment

“Hundreds of demonstrators gathered in Valletta on Friday, calling on the country’s politicians to prioritise environmental protection. Protestors gathered in [...]