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52 groups register their participation for the 7th September protest

Public Forum in August seeks citizens’ participation in formulating demands. Fifty-two groups have already registered their participation for the 7th [...]

Europe must take collective responsibility for rescued migrants

As Malta swelters in the summer heat, over 350 men, women and children are out at sea, stranded aboard rescue [...]

The system is rigged against us, we have to protest

For a country whose independence from various colonisers is only 55 years young, the culture of pro­test has been very [...]

Graffitti dismayed new fuel stations policy will require third round of public consultation before approval

Graffitti activist Andre Callus has again raised his concerns about the length of time it is taking for a fuel [...]

Iż-Żejjed Kollu Żejjed – Protesta

Moviment Graffitti is making a call for participation in a national protest free from partisan politics – Enough is Enough: [...]

Measures introduced by St. Paul’s Bay Council welcomed, but construction problems still not addressed

Moviment Graffitti welcomes the measures introduced by the St Paul’s Bay Local Council to tackle the waste issues in the [...]


Xbajtu? Anke aħna. Jinkoraġġuna u jikkonslawna l-messaġġi li bgħattulna tul dawn il-jiem, issaqsuna hux ser nipprotestaw, u x’se nagħmlu. Tul [...]

Central Link Crowdfunding Target Reached in less than 24 hours

The figure of €20,000 to challenge the Central Link in legal arenas has been successfully crowdfunded in less than 24 [...]

Fundraising for legal action against the Central Link project

After the Planning Authority (PA) shockingly approved the Central Link project, residents from various localities together with fourteen NGOs will [...]

Central Link Approvat

Il-proġett li se jeqred 48,000 metru kwadru ta’ art agrikola, joqtol iktar minn 600 siġra, jiżola 1,200 ruħ u jkeċċi [...]