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Organisations slam Government plans to allow model airstrip in Wied Żnuber

9 organisations strongly condemn the Government’s attempt to change the Ħal Far Local Plan so as to allow the construction [...]

“Reform the appeals law now” – Moviment Graffitti carries out a direct action against Joseph Portelli’s illegal pools in Qala ODZ

Today, Moviment Graffitti is carrying out a direct action at Joseph Portelli’s illegal site in Qala. This morning, activists stormed [...]

“It’s not too late” – NGOs urge revision of Msida Creek plans in line with years of consultations

This week, Kamra tal-Periti (KTP) presented their proposal for the Msida Creek area, proposing a nature-based solution consisting of human-centric [...]

VIDEO CLIP: The trail of environmental destruction that developers leave in their wake

Today, Moviment Graffitti is publishing footage that shows the environmental destruction across Malta and Gozo; the result of faulty planning [...]

Organisations call on Prime Minister to change rotten planning appeals system

No sign of promised reform as planning increasingly becoming a developers’ fiefdom 14 organisations are denouncing the failure to reform [...]

Gozo’s St George’s Parish, cultural organisations, activists and residents rally against the rampant take-up of public space

Today, St. George’s Basilica, cultural societies like Soċjetà Filarmonika La Stella and il-Ħaġar museum (Belt Victoria Foundation), joined forces with [...]

NGOs vow to fight on to save Comino from urbanisation

NGOs opposing the urban village being proposed by Hili Group on Comino are vowing to fight on to save the [...]

Resident groups call out Prime Minister’s bluff

Resident groups called out the Prime Minister’s bluff following his declaration that a balance had to be found between the [...]

Permission for submission of Qajjenza application should be withdrawn following the Prime Minister’s commitment last Sunday

Last Sunday, Prime Minister Robert Abela declared during a political activity that “Whatever land is under the government’s control… that [...]

A Nakba leading to genocide – Solidarity event in Sliema calls for sanctions on the genocidal state of Israel

Today we met in Sliema to remember the Nakba and denounce the genocide in Gaza. In the years and months [...]