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Warehouse complex threatens Ħal-Farruġ ODZ

The residents of Ħal-Farruġ and eleven NGOs reiterate their objection to the demolition of an existing farm on ODZ to [...]

A state-sponsored landgrabber shies away from attention – Wayne Flask

Two weeks have passed since this newspaper exposed Infrastructure Malta and their expropriations sham. Having accustomed us to interminably long [...]

L-intervent tal-Moviment Graffitti waqt il-Konferenza Stampa ta’ solidarjeta mal-poplu Palestinjan

Ma jistax ikun hemm il-paċi qabel ma jkun hemm Palestina ħielsa Inutli nsejħu għall-paċi fil-Lvant Nofsani jekk l-ewwel ma nsejħux [...]

Secretive decision to relocate oil cleaning tanks to Marsa will endanger people’s health and lives

Marsa residents and groups are deeply concerned at the sudden and unexpected decision to relocate huge oil cleaning tanks, operated [...]

Investigate Infrastructure Malta Now, Says Moviment Graffitti

Moviment Graffitti is calling for a full-scale investigation into the expropriation practices carried out by Infrastructure Malta since its creation. [...]

A tragic gamble on Marsa – Wayne Flask

In what was one of the stealthiest manoeuvres orchestrated by this government, with the active participation of the private sector, [...]

Moviment Graffitti strongly objects to Sannat mega development

Moviment Graffitti is  strongly objecting to the proposal for the construction of a block of 125 apartments just 300 metres [...]

Intervista ma’ Sammy Meilaq, ex-tarznar u trejdjunjonista

F’Jum il-Ħaddiema tkellimna ma’ Sammy Meilaq dwar l-inġustizzji li qed iġarrbu l-ħaddiema u x’jista’ jsir biex jintgħelbu. “L-inqas paga għandha [...]

Resisting the roadbuilding assault – Noah Fabri

Where once there was a row of protected carob trees, there is now an improvised wall of cinder blocks, erected [...]

Memories of May Day – Wayne Flask

I come from a working class family who votes Labour. Going to Church schools in the 1990s wasn’t easy at [...]