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Studenti Graffitti at the MCAST Freshers’ Week 2022

📍 Studenti Graffitti will be present at The MCAST Freshers’ Week 2022 between Monday the 10th and Wednesday 12th of October in Paola and on Thursday 13th of October in Mosta., between 8 a.m. and 1 p.m.

🪧 We invite you to visit our stand if you are interested in joining an organisation which is active in the community in areas such as the environment, feminism, worker’s rights, immigration, LGBTIQ+ rights and more.

📝 Members from Moviment Graffitti will be present to explain what the role of the organisation is in the current context and give you more information on current campaigns such as the Comino campaign, the pro-choice campaign and several others.

📣 Feel free to voice your ideas on the issues or problems you find at MCAST so that Studenti Graffitti can also be a platform for student campaigns. We will also explain our vision for students within MCAST and our ideas on student internships, student accommodation and sexual and reproductive rights.

🎯 We will also have a fun game lined up, as well as some merchandise and stickers up for grabs. There will also be plenty of events and activities over the coming year, so head over to our stand to learn more!

✊ We want to raise awareness on issues within and outside of MCAST and work for a fairer society so that we can truly be active students in Maltese society.

See you there❗


📍 Studenti Graffitti ser ikunu l-Freshers Week 2022 tal-MCAST bejn it-Tnejn 10 ta’ Ottubru u l-Erbgħa 12 ta’ Ottubru ġewwa Raħal Ġdid, kif ukoll nhar il- Ħamis 13 ta’ Ottubru ġewwa l-Mosta, bejn it-8 a.m. u s-1 p.m.

🪧 Nistednukom tiġu sa ħdejna jekk intom interessati tissieħbu f’organizzazzjoni attiva f’oqsma bħall-ambjent, il-femminiżmu, id-drittijiet tal-ħaddiema, l-immigrazzjoni, id-drittijiet LGBTIQ+ u iktar.

📝 Fil-ġranet imsemmija, ser tkunu tistgħu tiltaqgħu ma’ uħud mill-membri tal-Moviment Graffitti biex jgħidulkom ftit iktar dwar ir-rwol li qiegħda taqdi l-organizzazzjoni bħalissa, pereżempju fil-kampanja ta’ Kemmuna, il-kampanja favur id-dekriminalizzazzjoni tal-abort u kwistjonijiet oħra.

📣 Nixtiequ nsiru nafu iktar dwar il-problemi li tħossu li hemm l-MCAST sabiex Studenti Graffitti jservu ta’ pjattaforma għal kampanji li jolqtu direttament lill-istudenti. Ser naqsmu magħkom ukoll il-viżjoni tagħna għall-ħajja tal-istudenti fl-MCAST – ideat dwar internships, l-akkomodazzjoni tal-istudenti u d-drittijiet sesswali u riproduttivi.

🎯 Se jkollna wkoll logħba interessanti u xi flokkijiet u stickers. Żur ir-rokna tagħna wkoll biex tiskopri l-bosta attivitajiet li għandna pjanati!

✊ Nixtiequ nqajmu interess kemm fil-kwistjonijiet li jolqtu lill-MCAST kif ukoll f’dawk li jolqtu lill-bqija tal-komunità. Nixtiequ naħdmu għal soċjetà iktar ġusta sabiex tassew inkunu nistgħu ngħidu li aħna studenti attivi fis-soċjetà Maltija.

Narawkom hemm❗