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Ports of Hope

We feel the need to provide a space and opportunity to remember those who have lost their lives in their desperate effort to cross the Mediterranean Sea, hoping to seek asylum, to reach security and a better tomorrow. The horrific loss of life in the Mediterranean continues – somebody’s child, parent, brother, sister, friend, spouse. Their lives mattered to their loved ones, and they matter to us. Respect towards life and the innate dignity of each and every human being needs to remain central in political disputes and political discourse, in the search of solutions for this human tragedy.

This ongoing tragedy must never be normalized. Death should not be an accepted side effect of seeking asylum. Europe must find solutions that honour life and not facilitate death. We know that there is no one solution, but options for seeking asylum without loss of life must be found.

We will meet on Thursday evening (05.07), at Marsamxett Harbour, Valletta (a little bit further up from Maori) at 1930hrs to remember those who have died, to acknowledge those who continue to make the journey in their hope of seeking asylum in Europe, and to send a message to those who enact deadly policies in our name: we will not turn away, we are watching, and we will hold you to account.