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Konferenza Stampa – Wied il-Għajn Mhedded


⚠️ Reċentement, l-Awtorità tat-Turiżmu (MTA) ipproponiet ‘master plan’ u viżjoni għar-riġenerazzjoni urbana ta’ Wied il-Għajn. Bħala residenti ta’ Wied il-Għajn, aħna ninsabu inkwetati dwar l-użu ta’ kliem bħal ‘upgrade’ u ‘developments’ f’din l-istess proposta. Kif uriena il-passat, proposti bħal dawn iwasslu għal żviluppi esaġerati li qerdu jew se jeqirdu l-karattru tar-raħal tagħna. Il-kumpless enormi ta’ appartamenti flok is-sit tal-Jerma Palace Hotel kif ukoll il-bini tat-tielet sit għall-waterpolo f’Marsaskala, huma wħud mill-proposti li direttament jheddu l-kosta tagħna u l-ispazji miftuħa li għad fadlilna biex ingawdu.

🔴 Waqt il-Konferenza Stampa ser nindirizzaw il-manuvri li ilhom għaddejjin minn wara daharna fl-interess ta’ ċerti intrapriżi kummerċjali iżda aspejjeż tal-bajja tagħna u l-ġid komuni.

🎤 Għalhekk, f’kollaborazzjoni mal-Moviment Graffitti, se ssir Konferenza Stampa fid-19 ta’ Ġunju, 2021 fl-10am fuq is-Simenta – faċċata tal-Knisja ta’ Marsaskala max-xatt. Inħeġġu lir-residenti kollha ta’ Marsaskala li għandhom il-komunità għal qalbhom sabiex jattendu. Hemm bżonn li nuru front wieħed kontra żviluppi tar-regħba li għad jeqirdu r-raħal sabiħ tagħna.

😷 Se nkunu qed insegwu l-miżuri tad-distanza soċjali kollha. Din il-Konferenza Stampa mistennija tieħu biss siegħa minn ħinkom.



⚠️ The Malta Tourism Authority (MTA) has recently proposed a master plan and a vision for the upgrade and urban regeneration of our village – Marsaskala. As residents of Marsaskala, we are concerned about the proposal’s reference to ‘upgrades’ and ‘developments’. In the past, such references meant mass-development plans that would forever ruin the character of our village. The massive apartment complex proposed to replace the Jerma Palace Hotel, and the building of the 3rd waterpolo site in Marsaskala, are some of the proposals which pose a direct threat to the public’s enjoyment of open spaces, including the coast.

🔴 The Press Conference will also address what has long been going on behind our backs to accommodate certain commercial enterprises at the expense of our bay and the common good.

🎤 In light of all of the above, and in collaboration with Moviment Graffitti, we are holding a Press Conference on the 19th of June 2021 at 10am at is-Simenta – just in front of the Local Parish Church by the sea. We encourage all Marsaskala residents invested in our village to attend this Press Conference. We need to show our support and unity against any further greedy developments, which will forever ruin our beautiful village.

😷 Note that all social distancing measures will be observed and that the event will not take more than an hour of your time.