Join us for a free screening of The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert!
This iconic film is a heartwarming and fabulous tale of friendship, resilience, and self-expression.
Stay with us for a drink and a chat after the film ends.
Accessibility Note: Please note that the venue has stairs.
Come celebrate with us in a vibrant and inclusive atmosphere. All are welcome!
Ingħaqad magħna għal wirja bla ħlas ta’ The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert!
Dan il-film ikoniku huwa storja ta’ ħbiberija, reżiljenza, u espressjoni personali.
Ibqa magħna għal drink u konverżazzjoni wara l-film.
Nota dwar l-Aċċessibbiltà: Għandha tiġi nnutata li l-post għandu t-taraġ.
Ejja ċċelebra magħna f’atmosfera vibranti u inklussiva. Kulħadd huwa milqugħ!