Graffiti activist Andre Callus meanwhile insisted that the developers could not propose a traffic management assessment based on a “phantom [...]
Residents in Pembroke are organising a protest titled ‘Do Not Bury Us Alive’ on Wednesdays 16th May. Pembroke, Swieqi and [...]
Residenti ta’ Pembroke jitkellmu dwar il-proġett propost fuq is-sit tal-ITS: “L-iżviluppaturi stess qed jikkalkulaw li se jkun hawn 7,500 KAROZZA [...]
Developers have “turned politicians into their puppets” and the only thing that can stop them from bulldozing over Malta’s natural [...]
Today, residents, the Pembroke and St. Julian’s Local Councils and NGOs have come together to express their concerns at the [...]
Andre Callus, a spokesman for the NGO Moviment Graffitti, which recently organised a protest at the PA calling for applications [...]
While a number of groups have become more vocal, public participation in events against the PA is still quite low. [...]
Graffitti activist Andre Callus […] said that the PA’s fuel service stations policy was clear. “The policy did not include [...]
Watch video. Activists in Kamp Emerġenza Ambjent together with Moviment Graffitti are today carrying out a non-violent direct action during [...]
Following a month-long struggle to open public access to Manoel Island and efforts to stop commercialisation of the whole area, [...]