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Category: Defending Public Spaces & The Environment

Protesta Kontra l-Ħakma tal-Iżviluppaturi – IT’S YOUR PROTEST

Tomorrow, we’ll march just like we’ve marched with other NGOs in 2006, when George Pullicino opened the floodgates for the [...]

DB permit revocation – the people can make a difference

Residents, NGOs and three Local Councils welcome the positive news that the permit for the abusive speculation at St George’s [...]

Thank you for your heartwarming energy during yesterday’s protest

We wanted to say thankyou this morning, but then came the news of the courtroom victory in relation to the [...]

Wayne Flask on courtroom victory against DB Group

“Huwa aktar minn pass pożittiv; din hija rebħa kbira għar-residenti ta’ Pembroke, Swieqi, San Ġiljan u żoni fil-qrib li ġġieldu [...]

Donation to victim of construction industry

We often rely on your donations to be able to carry on with our work. We also believe in solidarity [...]

Moviment Graffitti appeals PA’s approval of massive Burmarrad ODZ fuel station

Moviment Graffitti filed an appeal with the Environment and Planning Review Tribunal (EPRT) against the Planning Authority’s (PA) decision to [...]

Objection to ODZ hotel in Mellieha

Objection submitted to the PA:- Moviment Graffitti is hereby objecting to PA 3488/19 for the Excavation of site and construction [...]

Moviment Graffitti feedback to the draft policy guidance for fuel stations

Having fought long and hard for a revision of the 2015 Fuel Service Station Policy, Moviment Graffitti welcomes several proposed [...]

Developers’ group getting civil society funding

The Malta Developers Association, a lobby formed by construction heads has been receiving grants funded by taxpayers’ money since 2015, [...]

[WATCH] Moviment Graffitti ft Danjeli – Tiżfnu għad-Daqqa

Tonight at Earth Garden, our man Danjeli Schembri will be playing our battlecry Tiżfnu għad-Daqqa tal-Iżviluppaturi during Pudina at Earth [...]