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Category: Environmental Justice

Residents, Local Council and NGOs rally to save Balluta Bay

Eighty seven appellants, including the St. Julians Local Council, residents and NGOs Flimkien Għal Ambjent Aħjar, Futur Ambjent Wieħed, Green [...]

Local Council, organisations and residents plan to appeal Balluta private ferry decision

The St. Julian’s Local Council, five organisations and over thirty residents plan to appeal the scandalous Planning Commission decision to [...]

Protesta Kontra l-Ħakma tal-Iżviluppaturi – Id-diskors ta’ Wayne Flask

Make hay while the sun shines. Il-profeta qalilna biex, sakemm ikun temp tajjeb, naħsbu fil-ħsad. Kienet ġurnata ta’ xemx meta [...]

[WATCH] Protest – Down with the Developers’ Dictatorship

Following the death of Miriam Pace in a tragedy caused by yet another act of carelessness by the development lobby, [...]

Moviment Graffitti pushes for reform in the construction sector

Moviment Graffitti has deplored the current state of the construction sector, wherein a system of shoddy practices, lack of enforcement [...]

The sacrifice of more arable land is an obscenity

Malta Youth in Agriculture Foundation, Għaqda Bdiewa Attivi and several NGOs have condemned the proposed expropriation of agricultural and natural [...]

Moviment Graffitti files Lands application for preservation of Balluta Bay

Activist group Moviment Graffitti has filed an application with the Lands Authority to manage Balluta Bay, in a bid to [...]

Organisations studying way forward on Central Link case

A group of eighteen organisations and residents’ associations are disappointed with the conclusion of the Central Link court case. The [...]

Malta-Gozo tunnel – organisations call for total transparency and law observance

In a judicial protest (see here) filed by a broad network of NGOs and professional bodies, Infrastructure Malta, the Transport [...]

Local Council and NGOs welcome Planning Commission decision to recommend refusal for private jetty in Balluta Bay

The St. Julian’s Local Council and 11 NGOs welcome the Planning Commission’s decision to overturn the case officer’s recommendation regarding [...]