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Category: Defending Public Spaces & The Environment

Miżieb and Aħrax petition gets over 10,000 signatures

Spazji Miftuħa coalition backed by more organisations A petition started by the Outdoor Recreation and Camping Association Malta to defend [...]

Spazji Miftuħa – Launch of Coalition in Defence of Open Spaces

Spazji Miftuħa aims to preserve access to public open spaces    A coalition of groups has been formed in response [...]

Public demands clarity on proposed transfer of Miżieb and Aħrax

NGOs Demand Meeting with PM, Environment Minister A group of NGOs is asking government to immediately publish the full terms [...]

Moviment Graffitti welcomes revised Fuel Stations Policy

Moviment Graffitti welcomes the long overdue revision of the Fuel Stations Policy. The new policy, although not perfect, is a [...]

Widespread opposition to DB Pembroke project must be respected

As residents of Pembroke, with the support of three Local Councils and ten organisations, we welcome the statement by Prime [...]

ITS-DB – A cheeky face after the disgrace

In a miserable attempt at recovering from the authentic slap in the face that is the National Audit Office (NAO) [...]

[WATCH] R/EVOLUZZJONI 25 – The Documentary

It’s 1994. A group of University students band together to form Moviment Graffitti, a leftist movement “against the oppression and [...]

Residents, Local Council and NGOs rally to save Balluta Bay

Eighty seven appellants, including the St. Julians Local Council, residents and NGOs Flimkien Għal Ambjent Aħjar, Futur Ambjent Wieħed, Green [...]

Local Council, organisations and residents plan to appeal Balluta private ferry decision

The St. Julian’s Local Council, five organisations and over thirty residents plan to appeal the scandalous Planning Commission decision to [...]

Protesta Kontra l-Ħakma tal-Iżviluppaturi – Id-diskors ta’ Wayne Flask

Make hay while the sun shines. Il-profeta qalilna biex, sakemm ikun temp tajjeb, naħsbu fil-ħsad. Kienet ġurnata ta’ xemx meta [...]