Moviment Graffitti has filed a Freedom of Information (FOI) request to the Planning Authority’s (PA) FOI Officer to demand access [...]
On the 20th of January 2022, the Marsaskala Local Council met with Minister Ian Borg on the issue of the [...]
Moviment Graffitti states that the countless abuses committed by developers like Portelli are leaving a trail of destruction in Gozo [...]
Letter signed by 700 individuals and 8 organisations asks for investigation of potential breach of several EU regulations Marsaskala residents [...]
Three Local Councils together with several organisations and residents have filed two Court actions against the approval of the massive [...]
Għal sena oħra, bħala Moviment Graffitti sibna ruħna naħdmu mill-qrib ma’ diversi komunitajiet madwar il-gżejjer Maltin. Fil-qofol ta’ din il-ħidma [...]
Around this time a year ago, shortly after a meeting with residents in the uncertain atmospheres of Mrieħel, a farmer [...]
The Environment and Planning Review Tribunal (EPRT) has this afternoon rejected two appeals filed by three Local Council, nine organisations [...]
Dozens of Gozitans are holding a Press Conference today outside the Archbishop’s Curia in Floriana to demand that the Archbishop [...]
Despite the objections of more than a thousand people – one of the highest ever number of objections against a [...]