This morning a group of Birżebbuġa residents, associations and interested persons walked from the church of Bengħajsa to the Wied [...]
L-Awtorità tal-Ippjanar illum taqa’ taħt il-Ministru Stefan Zrinzo Azzopardi. Jekk il-Ministru Zrinzo Azzopardi jiddeċiedi li f’din il-leġislatura l-ġdida ma jagħmel [...]
Five eNGOs are extremely concerned by the fact that the Planning Authority’s has not refused an application for a swimming [...]
Portelli continues to threaten Ta’ Ċenċ Four organisations have written to the chair of the Planning Authority and Planning Commission, [...]
Birżebbuġa residents took part in an activity in the parish square calling for the protection of Wied Żnuber and its [...]
We are publishing the answers of candidates on the 5th district to the question about their position on the planned [...]
Labour Party, Nationalist Party and ADPD candidates from the fifth district have been asked about their position on the Wied [...]
16 organisations representing of wide spectrum of interests – from environmental organisations to girl guides, from fishermen to social and [...]
Birżebbuġa residents, farmers and people keen on protecting Wied Żnuber are shocked at plans announced on February 12 for a [...]
An application (PA/02087/21) which will add 73 apartments to create a monstrous 125-unit complex in Sannat will be heard for [...]