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Category: Press Statements

Jerma’s Development Brief must serve the interests of Marsascala residents, not the developers’

Moviment Graffitti’s reaction to the Development Brief issued by the PA The residents of Marsascala deserve a tourism development that [...]

Feedback to the Revised Draft Policy Guidance for Fuel Stations

Moviment Graffitti welcomes the latest draft of the long overdue revision of the Fuel Station Policy. We reiterate our view [...]

El Hiblu Case: Terrorism charge for three young persons is excessive

The authorities’ decision to charge three young migrants with terrorism is excessive and inhumane. As a group of NGOs and [...]

Two Years Later, the Song Remains the Same

Caruana Galizia’s assassination hasn’t changed anything Two years since the heinous murder of Daphne Caruana Galizia, the conditions leading to [...]

Malta RiseUp4Rojava

The Kurdish community in Malta, with the support of Moviment Graffitti, is organising a peaceful gathering on Saturday 19th October [...]

Il-Moviment Graffitti jiċċelebra l-25 Anniversarju b’numru ta’ avvenimenti

Il-Moviment Graffitti ġie mwaqqaf fl-1994 bħala għaqda xellugija li tiġġieled kontra l-oppressjoni u l-isfruttament tan-nies, l-ambjent u l-annimali. Ħamsa u [...]

Security at University of Malta confiscate ‘political’ mask from Moviment Graffitti stand

Moviment Graffitti has accused security guards at the University of Malta of confiscating a mask featuring Transport Minister Ian Borg [...]

Undeterred by censorship, Graffitti activists return to University with Ian Borg masks

Moviment Graffitti activists were left free to wear political masks on the second day of Freshers’ Week, with security not [...]

Establish a permanent relocation mechanism based on human dignity and solidarity

On the occasion of the meeting of the 23 September between representatives of Malta, Italy, Germany, France, Finland and the [...]

Civil Society Statement regarding the ongoing detention of asylum seekers at Safi Barracks and the Initial Reception Centre

We are deeply concerned about the ongoing detention of hundreds of asylum-seekers – men, women and children – on medical [...]