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Category: Press Statements

No to residential development in Ħal-Ferħ

Moviment Graffitti is submitting its feedback to the public consultation on the Ħal-Ferħ Development Brief, which is seeking to establish [...]

Zoos Legal Notice – legalising cruelty for profit

In light of the current public consultation on the draft Legal Notice on the keeping of wild animals in zoos, [...]

NGO coalition calls for public review and regularisation of Palumbo operations

Since the 24th October, an MSC cruise ship has been docked at the shipyard for repairs. Many residents have complained [...]

SRA revision – a new policy that will lead to increased social exclusion and poverty

We are extremely disappointed to read the revisions made by the Government to the 2018 Specific Residence Authorisation (SRA) policy. [...]

Marsaskala residents and Moviment Graffitti appeal PA approval of Waterpolo Pitch

Several residents and Moviment Graffitti have appealed the PA’s decision to approve a Waterpolo Pitch, clubhouse and restaurant next to [...]

Contrary to IM claims, proposed road in Dingli requires a permit

The Dingli road saga, a proposed road on agricultural land which aims to connect Sqaq il-MUSEUM, Daħla tas-Sienja, and Triq [...]

Moviment Graffitti calls for the unequivocal rejection of mega-development in Naxxar

Moviment Graffitti is calling on the Planning Board to unequivocally reject the proposed mega-development in Naxxar during tomorrow’s sitting at [...]

NGOs to challenge abusive Aħrax/Miżieb agreement in Court

The six undersigned environmental organisations wish to announce that they will be challenging the deed through which the Government granted [...]

NGOs put forward recommendations on Waste to Energy Plant

Friends of the Earth Malta and Moviment Graffitti have submitted a joint recommendation on the construction of a Waste to [...]

Moviment Graffitti files appeal against uprooting of trees in Dingli

Moviment Graffitti together with farmers and residents have stepped up their actions in Dingli by filing an appeal with the [...]