“Support activists fighting for a cause you believe in. Thank them, let them know they are not alone, join them, [...]
Moviment Graffitti has, early this morning, started a symbolic siege on the Planning Authority’s (PA) premises to denounce the authority’s [...]
See video clip. Press Statement: The PA is besieging Malta with massive and useless fuel stations Moviment Graffitti has, early [...]
“We have tried everything – e-mails, articles, protests, press conferences – to make the PA revise a policy which the [...]
First and foremost, we are a very small country—and one of the most built up countries in Europe. This is [...]
“In June 2018, the Planning Authority then began its own review process, however this has either not yet concluded or [...]
Residents, NGOs and three Local Councils have filed two lawsuits regarding the db Group project on the ex-ITS site (City [...]
Today’s decision of the Environment and Planning Review Tribunal is a significant win in the fight against the monstrous db [...]
Nilqgħu b’sodisfazzjon kbir id-deċiżjoni tal-Ministru Konrad Mizzi li jirtira l-avviż għat-trasferiment tal-art lill-Grupp Corinthia. Filwaqt li nifhmu li din mhijiex [...]
A year has passed from the Environment’s Minister declaration that the 2015 Fuel Service Station Policy is wrong and needs [...]