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Category: Anti-Capitalism / A Just Economy

Help Us Save Fort Chambray

Several NGOs intend to appeal the Planning Authority’s outrageous decision to demolish the historic British Barracks at Fort Chambray to [...]

Direct action during Budget speech: We are not going to let you ignore the people’s cry for justice.

Today, Moviment Graffitti is carrying out a direct action during the Budget speech. At present, our country is facing an [...]

Organisations welcome changes to the Bill amending the Private Residential Leases Act

Organisations positively note that most of the concerns they raised regarding the Bill amending the Private Residential Leases Act have [...]

Justice for Workers! Campaign launched today calling for improved worker’s rights and a just economy

Earlier today, Moviment Graffitti, along with a number of other organisations, launched the ‘Justice for Workers’ campaign in a press [...]

Residents and activists unite against the rampant take-up of public spaces by commercial interests

Today, activists from Moviment Graffitti and FAA joined forces with different residents’ groups, including the Sliema Residents Association, the Valletta [...]

Organisations and communities will continue their fight against db’s greed

The Court of Appeal today ruled that there were not enough grounds for a retrial in the planning case regarding [...]

Residents and activists hold symbolic action in protest against illegal land grab by db’s catering establishments in Mellieħa

With the cry “Give us back our square”, activists and residents occupied the illegal tables and chairs of the db [...]

Social wellbeing before predatory profits – Organisations present counterproposals to Government’s rent law amendments

Several organisations have presented a list of proposed changes to a Bill which seeks to remove the minimal existing safeguards [...]

Anti-social amendments to the residential leases law will reward abusive landlords and punish tenants

Seventeen organisations are very concerned with amendments to the Private Residential Leases Act put forward by Government. Whilst the organisations [...]

Aaron Farrugia: The coast belongs to the people, not to the yachts!

Moviment Graffitti is extremely worried about the news that the government has devised a strategy to attract more superyachts in [...]