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Lebanon Targeted by Israeli Aggression

Israel has just launched a ground invasion of Lebanon after killing over 1,000 Lebanese in airstrikes over the last few days.

This aggression is the consequence of the policy of Western powers, including the United States and Germany, that have allowed Israel to do as it pleases, even carrying out a genocide in Gaza for a whole year. The Israeli forces therefore felt confident to escalate their deadly actions.

To understand what is happening in Lebanon at the moment we must look at the long history linked to Israel’s colonial ambitions. Israeli powers say they are attacking Hisballah, but Israel’s aggressions on Lebanon began long before the existence of Hisballah.

Lebanon has been the target of Israeli attacks and occupation for the past 76 years. The reasons were:

  1. In Lebanon there are around 200,000 Palestinian refugees who were expelled from their land and their homes by Israel. Israel is determined not to allow them to return to Palestine, although this is their right under international law.
  2. There are considerable notions in the Zionist ideology, including among the current leaders of Israel, which view certain areas of Lebanon are part of the “promised land” and should therefore be colonised by Israel.

Israel had already invaded Lebanon in 1978, 1982 and 2006, committing horrifying atrocities.

In 1982 Israel collaborated with far-right militias to cold-bloodedly exterminate around 3,000 Palestinians in Lebanon, most of whom were women and children, in Saabra and Shatila.

The attacks carried out by Hisballah in the last year took place in response to the genocide in Gaza. It has always been clear that these attacks would stop when Israel stops with its extermination of the Palestinians in Gaza.

But Israel, thanks to the support of the United States and many European countries, has not only continued with the genocide in Gaza, but is now expanding its aggression to other countries and peoples.

On Sunday we will meet at 3pm in front of the Parliament to call for tangible actions against the Israeli aggressions: One Year of Genocide.

Join us!


Il-Libanu fil-Mira tal-Aggressjoni Iżraeljana

L-Iżrael għadu kemm invada mill-art lil-Libanu wara li fl-aħħar ftit jiem qatel ‘il fuq minn 1,000 Libaniż b’attakki mill-ajru.

Din l-aggressjoni hija l-konsegwenza tal-politika tal-qawwiet tal-Punent, fosthom l-Istati Uniti u l-Ġermanja, li ħallew lill-Iżrael jagħmel li jrid, saħansitra jwettaq sena sħiħa ta’ ġenoċidju f’Gaża. B’hekk il-forzi Iżraeljani ħassewhom kunfidenti jeskalaw l-azzjonijiet imdemmija tagħhom.

Dak li qiegħed jiġri fil-Libanu bħalissa nistgħu nifhmuh biss jekk inħarsu lejn l-istorja twila marbuta mal-ambizzjonijiet kolonjali Iżraeljani. L-Iżrael jgħid li qiegħed jattakka lil Hisballah, iżda l-aggressjonijiet tal-Iżrael fuq il-Libanu bdew ħafna qabel l-eżistenza ta’ Hisballah.

Il-Libanu kien fil-mira tal-attakki u l-okkuppazzjoni Iżraeljana għal dawn l-aħħar 76 sena. Ir-raġunijiet kienu li:

  1. Fil-Libanu hemm mal-200,000 refuġjat Palestinjan li tkeċċew minn arthom u minn djarhom mill-Iżrael. L-Iżrael huwa determinat li ma jħallihomx imorru lura lejn il-Palestina, għalkemm dan huwa dritt tagħhom skont il-liġi internazzjonali.
  2. Jeżistu ċerti kurrenti ta’ ħsieb pjuttost mifruxa fl-ideoloġija Żijonista, inkluż fost il-mexxejja attwali tal-Iżrael, li jsostnu li ċertu żoni tal-Libanu huma parti mill-“art imwiegħda” u għalhekk għandhom jiġu kkolonizzati mill-Iżrael.

Għalhekk l-Iżrael kien diġà invada l-Libanu fl-1978, fl-1982 u fl-2006, u wettaq atrocitajiet li jkexkxuk.

Fl-1982 huwa kkollabora ma’ milizzji tal-lemin estrem sabiex jiġu esterminati kiesaħ u biered mat-3,000 Palestinjan fil-Libanu, kważi kollha nisa u tfal, f’Saabra u Shatila.

Mill-1982 sal-2000, l-Iżrael okkupa n-naħa t’isfel tal-Libanu. Kien matul dan iż-żmien li nħoloq il-grupp armat Hisballah bil-għan li jiġġieled l-okkuppazzjoni Iżraeljana tal-Libanu.

L-attakki li saru minn Hisballah f’din l-aħħar sena seħħew b’reazzjoni għall-ġenoċidju f’Gaża. Dejjem kien ċar li dawn l-attakki jieqfu meta l-Iżrael jieqaf bl-esterminazzjoni tiegħu tal-Palestinjani f’Gaża.

Iżda l-Iżrael, bis-saħħa tal-appoġġ tal-Istati Uniti u ta’ ħafna pajjiżi Ewropej, mhux biss kompla bil-ġenoċidju f’Gaża, imma issa qiegħed iwessa’ l-aggressjoni tiegħu fuq pajjiżi u popli oħra.

Nhar il-Ħadd ser niltaqgħu fis-3pm quddiem il-Parliament sabiex insejħu għal azzjonijiet tanġibbli kontra l-aggressjoniet Iżraeljani: One Year of Genocide.

Ingħaqdu magħna!

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