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Pro-choice organisations reiterate calls for scientific, respectful abortion debate

The Voice for Choice Coalition is emphasising the need for scientifically accurate and objective facts, as reports suggest wholly inaccurate statements have surfaced during the ongoing nationwide debate on abortion.

A recent statement in court claimed that there is a “79.2% survival rate” of the foetus when the woman’s waters rupture before 20 weeks (in cases of PPROM). However, an independent fact-check by the Times of Malta found this claim was “mostly false”.

Only one study suggested a 79.2% survival and and this was not applicable to pregnancies of 15 weeks – which is when Andrea Prudente started miscarrying. That same study found there were no survivors even later than that – at 17 to 19 weeks pregnancy.

It is also pertinent to note that the anti-choice group, Doctors for Life, have repeated this claim that studies suggest cases like Andrea Prudente’s had a “nearly 80% chance of survival in such circumstances”, in a press release last week.

We reiterate that it is crucial that this debate consists of objective, scientifically accurate and fact-checked information.

The public deserve clear facts, not misleading information. All sides of the debate have a duty to present clear and unbiased facts, and it is worrying if some feel the need to mislead others.

We remind the public that Bill 28 is an essential amendment to safeguard women, girls and persons who could get pregnant; even though it only allows abortions in the narrow event when there are pregnancy complications that put the person’s health in “grave jeopardy” and if the foetus is not of a gestational age where it can survive outside the womb.

We are once again demanding that PM Robert Abela keep the spirit of the amendment alive – protecting women, girls and people in grave danger – without any delays, and to be transparent with the proposed amendments and provide these as soon as possible.

The Voice for Choice coalition includes Young Progressive Beings, Women’s Rights Foundation, Moviment Graffitti, Doctors for Choice, Lawyers for Choice, Integra, Aditus, Men Against Violence, Parents for Choice and Malta Humanists Association


Organizzazzjonijiet favur l-għażla jtennu sejħiet għal dibattitu xjentifiku u rispettuż dwar l-abort

Il-Koalizzjoni Voice for Choice qed tenfasizza l-ħtieġa għal fatti xjentifikament preċiżi u oġġettivi, hekk kif ħarġu rapporti li jissuġġerixxu li kien hemm dikjarazzjonijiet kompletament mhux preċiżi waqt id-dibattitu nazzjonali li għaddej dwar l-abort.

Dikjarazzjoni reċenti fil-qorti sostniet li hemm “rata ta’ sopravivenza ta’ 79.2%” tal-fetu meta l-ilma tal-mara jinfaqa’ qabel l-20 ġimgħa (f’każijiet ta ‘PPROM’). Madankollu, verifika tal-fatti indipendenti minn Times of Malta sabet li din l-istqarrija kienet “fil-maġġorparti falza”.

Studju wieħed biss issuġġerixxa sopravivenza ta’ 79.2% u dan ma kienx applikabbli għal tqala ta’ 15-il ġimgħa – li huwa ż-żmien meta Andrea Prudente bdiet tkorri. Dan l-istess studju sab li ma kien hemm l-ebda superstiti anki aktar tard minn hekk – bejn is-17 u d-19-il ġimgħa tat-tqala.

Huwa wkoll pertinenti li wieħed jinnota li l-grupp kontra l-għażla, Doctors for Life, tenna l-istqarrija li l-studji jissuġġerixxu li każijiet bħal ta’ Andrea Prudente kellhom “kważi 80% ċans ta’ sopravivenza f’ċirkostanzi bħal dawn”, fi stqarrija għall-istampa l-ġimgħa li għaddiet.

Intennu li huwa kruċjali li dan id-dibattitu jikkonsisti f’informazzjoni oġġettiva, xjentifikament preċiża u kkontrollata bil-fatti. Il-pubbliku jixraqlu fatti ċari, mhux informazzjoni qarrieqa. In-naħat kollha tad-dibattitu għandhom id-dmir li jippreżentaw fatti ċari u imparzjali, u huwa inkwetanti jekk xi wħud iħossu l-ħtieġa li jqarrqu lil ħaddieħor.

Infakkru lill-pubbliku li l-Abbozz 28 huwa emenda essenzjali biex jiġu ssalvagwardjati n-nisa, bniet u persuni li jistgħu joħorġu tqal; minkejja li tippermetti aborti biss fil-każ rari meta jkun hemm kumplikazzjonijiet tat-tqala li jpoġġu s-saħħa tal-persuna f’“periklu gravi” u jekk il-fetu ma jkunx fi stadju fejn jista’ jgħix barra l-ġuf.

Qed nerġgħu nitolbu li l-PM Robert Abela jżomm ħaj l-ispirtu tal-emenda – jipproteġi lin-nisa, bniet u nies tqal f’periklu gravi – mingħajr ebda dewmien, u li jkun trasparenti bl-emendi proposti u jipprovdihom kemm jista’ jkun malajr.

L-għaqdiet ta’ Voice for Choice jinkludu Young Progressive Beings, Women’s Rights Foundation, Moviment Graffitti, Doctors for Choice, Lawyers for Choice, Integra, Aditus, Men Against Violence, Parents for Choice u Malta Humanists Association.

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