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Secretive decision to relocate oil cleaning tanks to Marsa will endanger people’s health and lives

Marsa residents and groups are deeply concerned at the sudden and unexpected decision to relocate huge oil cleaning tanks, operated by the Falzon Group, to Marsa. Whilst we welcome the removal of these tanks from the Ricasoli Fort in Kalkara, we strongly believe that the decision, itself kept under wraps, to place them in the middle of a residential area and an area of economic activity is endangering the health and lives of thousands of people and, thus, should be immediately revoked.

The cleaning of oil tanks is a hazardous process that produces toxic pollution and can lead to deadly explosions. Over the past weeks we have consulted experts in the field who have explained how Marsa, due to its topography and socio-economic activity, is not a suitable place for oil cleaning activity since fumes generated from oil cleaning will remain trapped in the town, close to residents, students and workers.

It is shocking that the decision to place the oil cleaning tanks in Marsa was taken in an arbitrary manner. No studies have been carried out so far to justify the relocation of the oil cleaning tanks in this locality. The company in question already has land and operations based in Marsa, which will be increased as a result of this deal. Thus, we have to ask whether such relocation was driven by the private economic interests of the operator instead of social, health and environmental considerations.

It is equally shocking and unacceptable that this decision was taken behind the back of both residents as well as companies and schools in Marsa. In fact, we only came to know about it through the media.

We also question whether our country really needs oil cleaning tanks. During the Parliamentary Committee of 19th April 2021, Minister Ian Borg justified an extension to the emphyteutical deed by claiming that the operator has not yet been given the permit to carry out this oil cleaning activity. Minister Borg’s claims, if true, raise serious questions about the need to have such an activity in Malta in the first place, since it would mean that for the past nine years no operator in Malta could conduct such operations. Why does this activity need to start now, and in Marsa?

Marsa has already been burdened by polluting activities and the town urgently needs a plan to improve the area through cleaner air and social spaces that foster wellbeing. The placement of this polluting and hazardous activity in Marsa goes in the opposite direction and flies in the face of promises to renew this area.

In view of the above, Marsa residents and groups declare that they will forcefully oppose the transfer of the oil cleaning tanks to their locality. Any decision on the transfer of these tanks should be taken after serious studies and public consultation. People’s health and wellbeing, and not private economic interests, should come first.


Deċiżjoni sigrieta biex jiġu relokati tankijiet tat-tindif taż-żejt għall-Marsa se tipperikola s-saħħa u l-ħajja tan-nies

Ir-residenti tal-Marsa huma inkwetati ħafna bid-deċiżjoni ta’ malajr, u xejn mistennija li t-tankijiet kbar taż-żejt, li qed jitħaddmu mill-Grupp ta’ Falzon, se jiġu relokati għall-Marsa. Filwaqt li aħna, Flimkien għall-Marsa Aħjar, nilqgħu id-deċiżjoni li dawn it-tankijiet jitneħħew mill-Forti Rikażli tal-Kalkara, aħna nemmnu, bil-qawwa kollha, li din id-deċiżjoni, li ttieħded minn wara l-kwinti, sabiex dawn jiġu relokati f’nofs medda residenzjali u fejn hemm ħafna attivita ekonomika, se tkun ta’ detriment għas-saħħa t’eluf ta’ nies li jgħixu u jaħdmu hemm u għalhekk għandha tiġi immedjatament irrevokata.

It-tindif tat-tankjijet taż-żejt huwa perikoluż ħafna u l-proċess jaf jikkawża tniġġiż kif ukoll splużjonijiet fatali. Tul dawn l-aħħar ġimgħat aħna kkonsultajna ma’ esperti f’dan il-qasam li qalulna li minħabba t-topografija u l-attività soċjo-ekonomika tal-post, dan il-post mhuwiex addattat għal din il-faċilità għax id-dħaħen iġġenerati minn din l-attività se jinqabdu fl-istess inħawi qrib ir-residenti, ħaddiema u studenti fil-lokalita’.

Hu għalhekk li d-deċiżjoni, meħudha b’mod arbitrarju u mingħajr ebda konsultazzjoni, hi xokkanti fiha nfisha. S’issa ma saru l-ebda studji biex jiġġustifikaw ir-relokazzjoni ta’ dawn it-tankijiet fil-Marsa. L-imsemmija kumpanija diġa’ għandha l-art u l-operat fil-Marsa, u dan it-territorju se jiżdied permezz ta’ dan il-ftehim. Għalhekk, aħna qed nistaqsu jekk din ir-relokazzjoni kinitx immotivata mill-interessi ekonomiċi privati, minflok minn dawk soċjali, ambjentali u sanitarji.

Daqstant ieħor hu xokkanti u bl-ebda mod aċċettabbli l-fatt li din id-deċiżjoni ttieħded wara dahar ir-residenti, kumpaniji, skejjel u organizazzjonijiet oħra li hawn fil-Marsa. Fil-fatt, aħna sirna nafu b’dan il-pjan permezz tal-media.

Qegħdin ukoll nistaqsu jekk pajjiżna tassew għandux bżonn tankijiet għat-tindif taż-żjut. Waqt is-seduta tal-Kumitat Parlamentari tad-19 ta’ April 2021, il-Ministru Ian Borg iġġustifika l-estensjoni tal-att ta’ użufrutt billi stqarr li s’issa l-operatur ma kienx għadu ngħata l-permess biex jibda din l-attività ta’ tindif taż-żjut. Jekk dak li qed jallega l-Ministru huwa vera, allura, jitqajmu wkoll dubji serji dwar jekk verament hemmx bżonn li jkollna dan it-tip ta’ attivitajiet f’Malta, għax skont xi ntqal, allura tul dawn l-aħħar disa’ snin, l-ebda operatur f’Malta ma attwalment seta’ jmexxi operati bħal dawn. Għalhekk, għalfejn għandhom jibdew issa dawn l-operati, u għalfejn fil-Marsa?

Din il-lokalità diġa ilha ġġarrab ħafna problemi ta’ tinġiż minħabba ċerti attivitajiet u issa, hemm bżonn, b’mod verament urġenti li jkun hemm pjan sostenibbli li jtejjeb il-kwalità tal-arja, l-ispazji miftuħa u bosta nħawi oħra sabiex ir-residenti jħossuhom aħjar u siguri, u li jgħin biex il-ħajja u l-identità ta’ din il-belt terġa’ tieħu r-ruħ. Ir-relokazzjoni ta’ dawn it-tankijiet u l-attività industrijali li se tinħoloq mhu se tagħmel xejn minn dan, anzi sejra tagħti daqqa ta’ ħarta biex dan il-post, xi darba, jgħaddi mir-riġenerazzjoni li tant jistħoqqlu u li tant ilu jistenna.

Fid-dawl ta’ dan kollu, ir-residenti tal-Marsa u bosta gruppi u għaqdiet qed jiddikjaraw li se jopponu bil-forza u bil-qawwa kollha dan it-trasferiment tat-tankijiet. Kwalunkwe deċiżjoni biex jiġu trasferiti dawn it-tankijiet għandha tittieħed wara li jkunu saru studji serji u b’konsultazzjoni mal-poplu. Is-saħħa, is-sigurta’ u l-benesseri tar-residenti għandhom jiġu qabel l-interessi ekonomiċi privati. 

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