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Moviment Graffitti welcomes revised Fuel Stations Policy

Moviment Graffitti welcomes the long overdue revision of the Fuel Stations Policy. The new policy, although not perfect, is a huge improvement over the 2015 policy which allowed 3,000sqm fuel stations and commercial facilities on ODZ land.

Although it took 2 years and 5 months for Government to review this policy, we nonetheless applaud this move and look forward to the revision of other highly problematic policies, such as those concerning rural areas and height limitations.

The long battle for the review of the Fuel Stations Policy, including several protests and direct actions, is further proof that pressure from the public works. Meaningful change can only happen if people organise themselves and demand an overhaul of those policies and practices that degrade our environment and quality of life.


Il-Moviment Graffitti jilqa’ r-reviżjoni tal-Fuel Stations Policy

Il-Moviment Graffitti jilqa’ reviżjoni tal-Fuel Stations Policy li ilha mistennija għal ħafna żmien. Il-policy il-ġdida, filwaqt li mhijiex perfetta, hija ħafna aħjar mill-policy tal-2015 li kienet tippermetti pompi tal-petrol u faċilitajiet kummerċjali ta’ 3,000 metru kwadru fuq ODZ.

Għalkemm il-Gvern dam sentejn u ħames xhur sabiex jirrevedi din il-policy, nilqgħu b’sodisfazzjon din ir-reviżjoni u nistennew bil-ħerqa t-tibdil f’policies oħra problematici ferm, bħal dawk li jirrigwardaw iż-żoni rurali jew il-limitazzjoni fl-għoli tal-bini.

Il-ġlieda twila għar-reviżjoni tal-Fuel Stations Policy, permezz ta’ diversi protesti u azzjonijiet diretti, turi li l-pressjoni mill-pubbliku tħalli l-frott tagħha. Il-bidla ta’ veru tista’ sseħħ biss jekk in-nies jorganizzaw rwieħhom u jitolbu bidla radikali fil-policies u l-prattiki li qed jeqirdu l-ambjent u l-kwalità tal-ħajja tagħna.

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