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ASSEDJU PA – We are currently clearing the campsite, convinced that pressure is working

Assedju PA is coming to an end this evening, with activists currently clearing the campsite convinced that the pressure on the authorities to revise the damaging Fuel Service Station Policy is indeed working. These five days of direct action have been a truly encouraging experience for us since we have seen so many people expressing, in different ways, their outrage at the PA’s failure to change the fuel stations policy and at the authorities’ approach to our environment more generally. Whilst the revision of this policy is long overdue, we are also satisfied that public pressure has forced the authorities to give a deadline – this month – for the publication of the revised policy.

We shall be closely watching developments in this regard. Today, we are launching a pompi timer – – an online timer counting the days, hours, minutes and seconds from the Environment Minister’s promise on the 25th January 2018 to change this policy. Should the authorities fail to publish the revised policy this month, or if the revised policy still allows ODZ fuel stations, Moviment Graffitti is ready to carry out further direct actions.

We would like to take this opportunity to express our sincere appreciation for the many gestures of support that we have received during the past five days. We have been inundated with messages of support, people have enthusiastically participated in the several social events held at the camp, and individuals and organisations have spontaneously given us continuous practical help along these days.

We thank all those who contributed to this successful direct action and urge the public to maintain the pressure on the authorities. Our future is at stake.


ASSEDJU PA – Bħalissa qed inżarmaw il-kampijiet, konvinti li l-pressjoni qed taħdem

Assedju PA ħa jintemm iktar tard illum, bl-attivisti bħalissa qed iżarmaw il-kampijiet għax konvinti li l-pressjoni fuq l-awtoritajiet biex jirrevedu l-policy dannuża dwar il-pompi tal-petrol qed taħdem. Dawn il-ħamest ijiem t’azzjoni diretta kienu esperjenza tassew inkoraġġanti għalina għaliex rajna lil ħafna nies jesprimu, b’modi differenti, l-għadab tagħhom għall-fatt li l-PA naqset milli tibdel il-policy dwar il-pompi tal-petrol u ghall-attitudni tal-awtoritajiet lejn l-ambjent tagħna b’mod aktar ġenerali. Filwaqt li r-reviżjoni ta’ din il-policy suppost ilha li saret, aħna sodisfatti wkoll li l-pressjoni pubblika ġiegħlet lill-awtoritajiet biex jagħtu skadenza – dan ix-xahar – għall-pubblikazzjoni tal-policy riveduta.

Aħna ser inkunu qed nsegwu mill-qrib l-iżviluppi f’dan ir-rigward. Illum, qed inniedu “pompi timer” – – timer onlajn li jgħodd il-ġranet, is-sigħat, il-minuti u s-sekondi mill-wegħda tal-Ministru għall-Ambjent fil-25 ta’ Jannar 2018 li tinbidel din il-policy. Jekk l-awtoritajiet jonqsu milli jippubblikaw il-policy riveduta dan ix-xahar, jew jekk il-policy riveduta xorta tkun tippermetti pompi tal-petrol fl-ODZ, il-Moviment Graffitti huwa lest li jwettaq aktar azzjonijiet diretti.

Nixtiequ nieħdu din l-opportunità biex nesprimu l-apprezzament sinċier tagħna għall-ġesti ta’ appoġġ li rċevejna matul l-aħħar ħamest ijiem. Irċivejna ħafna messaġġi ta’ sapport, in-nies ipparteċipaw b’entużjażmu f’diversi avvenimenti soċjali li saru fil-kamp, u individwi u organizzazzjonijiet tawna spontanjament għajnuna prattika kontinwa matul dawn il-jiem.

Nirringrazzjaw lil dawk kollha li kkontribwew għas-suċċess ta’ din l-azzjoni diretta u nħeġġu lill-pubbliku jżomm il-pressjoni fuq l-awtoritajiet. Hawnhekk hawn il-futur tagħna fin-nofs.

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