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One Year Since the Killing of Jean Paul Sofia

A year ago today, Jean Paul Sofia was found dead under the rubble of a building in Corradino.

Jean Paul Sofia was the victim of the reign of greed that rules supreme in our country. The lust for money overrules every other consideration: workers’ rights, quality of life, and even the value of life itself.  

It was only thanks to the persistence of his mother, family members and friends, that a public inquiry was opened so that the systematic failures which led to the killing of Jean Paul Sofia could be revealed.

When we were called to give evidence during this inquiry, we insisted that the death of Jean Paul Sofia could have been avoided had the construction sector been seriously regulated. In 2014 and 2015 there was a change in planning policies with the aim of accelerating the granting of building permits. However, our country did not implement the necessary legislation or set up the necessary authorities to regulate this activity.

What was sown did not take long to start bearing fruit. Every year, tens of workers lost their life in construction sites. In 2019, one building after another collapsed, with many families losing their homes and thanking their lucky stars that they did not lose their life as well until, in 2020, Miriam Pace was killed.

The call for serious regulation of the construction industry fell on deaf ears. Developers put pressure on the Government so that no significant reform which could in any way reduce their quick profits would be implemented.  

And the Government chose to appease them rather than listen to the people.

The magisterial inquiry on the death of Jean Paul Sofia found that the works at Corradino were being carried out by people who had no expertise in the sector, with permits that were issued haphazardly, and without any enforcement.

Therefore today, while we salute the memory of Jean Paul Sofia, we renew our commitment to continue fighting for justice for Jean Paul and for all the victims of the construction industry.

Because justice will only be served when this reign of greed is brought down so that workers and residents take precedence over profits of the few.


Sena mill-Qtil ta’ Jean Paul Sofia

Bħal-lum sena, Jean Paul Sofia nstab mejjet taħt it-tifrik ta’ bini f’Kordin.

Jean Paul Sofia nqatel. Huwa vittma tas-saltna tar-regħba li ħakmet lill-pajjiżna fejn il-kilba għall-flus tisboq kull ħaġa oħra: id-drittjiet tal-ħaddiema, il-kwalità tal-ħajja u, saħansitra, il-ħajja nnifisha.

Kien biss grazzi għall-persistenza t’ommu, il-familjari u l-ħbieb, bl-appoġġ b’saħħtu tal-poplu, li twaqqfet inkjesta pubblika sabiex tikxef il-fallimenti sistemiċi li wasslu għall-qtil ta’ Jean Paul Sofia.

Fix-xhieda tagħna f’din l-inkjesta aħna sħaqna li l-mewt ta’ Jean Paul Sofia setgħet ġiet evitata b’regolamentazzjoni serja tal-industrija tal-kostruzzjoni. Fl-2014 u 2015 inbidlu l-politiki tal-ippjanar bl-għan li jinfetħu beraħ il-bibien għall-permessi tal-bini. Iżda pajjiżna ma daħħalx fis-seħħ liġijiet u awtoritajiet li jirregolaw din l-attività.

Dak li nżera’ ma damx ma beda jinħasad. Kull sena, għexieren ta’ ħaddiema tilfu ħajjithom f’siti tal-kostruzzjoni. Fl-2019, binja wara l-oħra ġġarrfu, b’ħafna familji jitilfu djarhom u jeħilsuha ħafif sakemm, fl-2020, inqatlet Miriam Pace.

L-għajta favur regolamentazzjoni serja tal-industrija tal-kostruzzjoni, bħal-liċenzjar tal-kuntratturi, awtoritajiet b’saħħithom u regoli dwar kif għandu jitla’ l-bini, waqgħu fuq widnejn it-torox.

Ir-raġuni għalfejn ma ġietx mismugħa l-karba tal-poplu biex jitrażżnu l-eċċessi ta’ din l-industrija kienet waħda: il-poter tal-iżviluppaturi. Huma għamlu pressjoni fuq il-Gvern sabiex ma sseħħ l-ebda riforma sinifikanti li b’xi mod setgħet tnaqqas il-profitti mgħaġġla tagħhom.

U l-Gvern sema’ minnhom minflok mill-poplu.

L-inkjesta magisterjali dwar il-mewt ta’ Jean Paul Sofia fit-3 ta’ Diċembru tal-2022 sabet li x-xogħol f’Kordin kien qed isir minn nies li m’għandhom ebda għarfien fis-settur, b’permessi li ħarġu bl-addoċċ, u mingħajr ebda infurzar. 

Għalhekk illum, filwaqt li nsellmu l-memorja ta’ Jean Paul Sofia, inġeddu l-impenn tagħna fil-ġlieda favur ġustizzja ma’ Jean Paul u mal-vittmi kollha tal-kostruzzjoni.

Għaliex ġustizzja ssir biss meta nwaqqgħu din s-saltna tar-regħba sabiex il-ħaddiema u r-residenti jibdew jiġu qabel il-qligħ tal-ftit.

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