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It Is NOT Enough – March for Palestine

For the second time in recent weeks, together with the Youth for Palestine we took to the streets of Valletta to march in solidarity with the Palestinian people.

The genocide in Gaza is relentless. Hundreds of thousands of Palestinians have been forcibly displaced from their homes, and 16,000 Palestinians, of which 6,000 are children, have been brutally murdered by the Israeli state. All this is happening with the blessing of many European and American leaders who have supported the Israeli colonization of Palestine for over 75 years.

For this reason, during today’s protest, we have called for Israel to be recognized for what it is – a criminal, terrorist state that is committing a genocide.

We call upon everyone to sustain the powerful outcry for an end to genocide in Gaza and freedom for Palestine.



Għat-tieni darba fi ftit ġimgħat inżilna fit-toroq tal-Belt Valletta flimkien mal-Youth for Palestine sabiex nesprimu s-solidarjetà tagħna mal-poplu Palestinjan.

Il-ġenoċidju f’Gaża għaddej bla waqfien. Mijiet t’eluf ta’ Palestinjani sfaw imkeċċija minn djarhom, u 16,000 Palestinjan, fosthom 6,000 tifel u tifla, inqatlu brutalment mill-istat Iżraeljan. Dan kollu qed isir bil-kompliċità sħiħa ta’ ħafna mexxejja Ewropej u Amerikani, li għal 75 sena sħaħ taw appoġġ lill-kolonizzazzjoni Iżraeljana tal-artijiet Palestinjani.

Għalhekk waqt il-protesta tal-lum sejjaħna sabiex l-Iżrael jibda jiġi meqjus ta’ dak li hu – stat kriminali u terrorista li qed iwettaq ġenoċidju.

Insejħu lil kulħadd sabiex tibqa’ qawwija l-għajta favur it-tmiem tal-ġenoċidju f’Gaża u l-ħelsien tal-poplu Palestinjan.



Photo: The Critical Angle Project

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