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Moviment Graffitti stands firm – revoke the permit which has destroyed protected Bidnija valley!

Moviment Graffitti has noted the public relations offensive made by the applicant of the huge building purporting to be a sheep farm in Bidnija Valley. The media agency which is acting on behalf of Jason Vella said that he had been misunderstood and that there was never any intention to turn it into a hotel. 

Moviment Graffitti stands by its request for the revocation  of the permit which resulted in the permanent scarring of the previously pristine valley. We are 100% certain that the permit should never have been granted. It breaches several policies which were not even mentioned in the planning application process. The Environment and Resources Authority (ERA) also objected and was ignored. After the permit was granted there were several piecemeal minor amendments making the place more akin to a hotel. 

Then there was the application by a company to  effectively use it for hospitality purposes. This application was originally filed by a previously unknown company – Bidnija Farming Enterprise Ltd. – connected to a certain Dr. Peter Bernard Carbonaro, a person whose name appears as director for three other companies registered in Malta which are all linked to trustee shareholding companies registered in Cyprus. The shareholder of the company and the application’s architect is Mr Konrad Bezzina. Mr Bezzina is involved in several other companies unrelated to agriculture and also served as a former member of the Building and Construction Agency’s building regulations board.

And now another applicant pops back in saying the place was always intended for sheep. We will not be fooled. We stand by our request for the revocation  of a building  which should  never have been built there.

Il-Moviment Graffitti jibqa’ sod – irrevokaw il-permess li qered il-wied protett tal-Bidnija!

Il-Moviment Graffitti nnota l-offensiva ta’ relazzjonijiet pubbliċi li għamel l-applikant tal-bini enormi, suppost razzett tan-nagħaġ, f’Wied il-Bidnija. L-aġenzija tal-midja li qed taġixxi f’isem Jason Vella qalet li huwa ġie mifhum ħażin u li qatt ma kien hemm l-intenzjoni li l-bini jinbidel f’lukanda.

Il-Moviment Graffitti jsostni t-talba tiegħu għar-revoka tal-permess li rriżulta f’feriti permanenti għall-wied li qabel kien verġni. Aħna ċerti 100% li l-permess qatt ma kellu jingħata, u jikser diversi politiki li lanqas biss issemmew fil-proċess tal-applikazzjoni tal-ippjanar. L-Awtorità tal-Ambjent u r-Riżorsi (ERA) ukoll oġġezzjonat u ġiet injorata. Wara li ngħata l-permess kien hemm diversi emendi żgħar frammentati li għamlu l-post dejjem aktar qisu lukanda.

Imbagħad kien hemm l-applikazzjoni minn kumpanija biex tuża l-post b’mod effettiv għal skopijiet ta’ ospitalità. Din l-applikazzjoni oriġinarjament ġiet ippreżentata minn kumpanija li qabel ma kinitx magħrufa – Bidnija Farming Enterprise Ltd. – konnessa ma’ ċertu Dr Peter Bernard Carbonaro, persuna li isimha jidher bħala direttur għal tliet kumpaniji oħra rreġistrati f’Malta, kollha marbuta ma’ kumpaniji ta’ trustee holding reġistrati f’Ċipru. Ix-shareholder tal-kumpanija u l-perit tal-applikazzjoni huwa s-Sur Konrad Bezzina. Is-Sur Bezzina huwa involut f’diversi kumpaniji oħra mhux relatati mal-agrikoltura u serva wkoll bħala eks membru tal-bord tar-regolamenti tal-bini tal-Aġenzija tal-Bini u l-Kostruzzjoni.

U issa applikant ieħor jerġa’ jitfaċċa u jgħid li l-post dejjem kien maħsub għan-nagħaġ. Mhux se naqgħu għaliha. Aħna ninsistu dwar it-talba tagħna għar-revoka ta’ bini li qatt ma kellu jinbena hemmhekk.

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