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More blood on their hands

Moviment Graffitti expresses its deep sadness and outrage at the news that the Corradino prison facility has claimed another life.

The victim, a 36 year old man from India, has most likely committed suicide.

Were this the first incident it would require an investigation. However, this being the 14th death in just over two years, it requires nothing less than the immediate dismissal of prison director Alexander Dalli and the assumption of political responsibility by Home Affairs Minister Byron Camilleri, who has steadfastly stood by the despotic Dalli despite the alarming rate at which inmates are leaving prison walls in body bags.

What should be a correctional and rehabilitation facility is now a place of death and terror.

The time for words is over. Investigations are being buried or undermined.

The group will be announcing further action shortly. Keep tuned for more updates.

Alexander Dalli must go. Immediately.

We shall not let this stand.


Imċappsin bid-demm

Il-Moviment Graffitti jesprimi s-sogħba u r-rabja kbira tiegħu wara l-aħbar li ntilfet ħajja oħra fil-ħabs ta’ Kordin.

Il-vittma, raġel ta’ 36 sena mill-Indja, aktarx li wettaq suwiċidju.

Kieku dan kien l-ewwel inċident ta’ din ix-xorta, kien ikun hemm bżonn investigazzjoni. Madankollu, din hija l-erbatax-il mewta fi ftit iżjed minn sentejn, u dan ifisser li d-direttur tal-ħabs Alexander Dalli għandu jitkeċċa immedjatament, filwaqt li l-Ministru tal-Intern Byron Camilleri, li jibqa’ jiddefendi lil Dalli minkejja r-rata mgħaġġla ta’ mwiet fil-ħabs, għandu jieħu r-responsabbiltà politika ta’ dan kollu.

Dik li suppost hija faċilità korrettiva u riabilitattiva issa saret post il-mewt u t-terrur.

Iż-żmien għall-paroli spiċċa. L-investigazzjonijiet qed jiġu ostakolati jew moħbija.

Il-Moviment Graffitti ser iħabbar azzjonijiet oħra fil-jiem li ġejjin. Inħeġġukom iżżommu ruħkom aġġornati għal iżjed informazzjoni.

Alexander Dalli għandu jitlaq immedjatament.

Mhux se nippermettu li l-affarijiet jibqgħu sejrin hekk.

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