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Marsaskala residents write to Tourism Ministry requesting cancellation of sham ‘Design Contest’

A group of Marsaskala residents have written to Tourism Minister Clayton Bartolo, expressing their concerns about the Malta Tourism Authority (MTA) Design Contest and its ‘regeneration plans.’ The letter was also sent to Prime Minister Robert Abela, (a Marsaskala resident himself) and the Environment Minister Aaron Farrugia. The full letter can be viewed here.

The letter expresses residents’ concern that the Malta Tourism Authority (MTA) Design Contest is a cover-up for changes to Ġnien Sant’ Anna and surroundings – changes already planned by a now defunct sub-committee to further their own business interests. The people forming the sub-committee were chosen by the mayor himself, and for over two years, had been meeting and working on a variety of proposals for Marsaskala behind closed doors and in liaison with Infrastructure Malta and the MTA. The sub-committee was drawing plans that would serve specific economic interest in the area, further taking up public space from residents. The sub-committee was officially dissolved after it was found to be operating illegally. Residents now feel justified in their worry that the MTA Design contest was put in place to carry out these ‘regeneration proposals,’ which the sub-committee itself planned to carry out but no longer could.

The proposed ‘embellishments’ would necessitate the construction of another concrete hardstanding facility on the other side of the bay, involving land reclamation with unknown environmental consequences and further take-up of Marsaskala Bay. The sub-committe’s proposals also include redirection of traffic in and out of Marsaskala, right beneath the public school and in front of the parish church, exposing community members, particularly children and the elderly to high levels of traffic danger.

In view of all this, Marsaskala residents urge the MTA to call off this sham Design Contest, requesting instead a long period of consultation with residents of all ages and backgrounds for a holistic plan for Marsaskala.

Ir-residenti ta’ Wied il-Għajn jitolbu lill-Ministru tat-Turiżmu jxolji l-Kompetizzjoni tad-Disinn fażulla

Ir-residenti ta’ Wied il-Għajn kitbu lill-Ministru tat-Turiżmu Clayton Bartolo biex jesprimu t-tħassib tagħhom dwar il-Kompetizzjoni tad-Disinn tal-Awtorità tat-Turiżmu (MTA) u l-pjanijiet ta’ ‘riġenerazzjoni’ tagħha. L-ittra ntbagħtet ukoll lill-Prim Ministru Robert Abela, li jgħix Wied il-Għajn, u l-Ministru tal-Ambjent Aaron Farrugia. Aqra l-ittra hawn.

L-ittra tesprimi l-biża’ tar-residenti li l-Kompetizzjoni tad-Disinn tal-Awtorità tat-Turiżmu hija skuża uffiċjali biex isiru xogħlijiet fi Ġnien Sant’ Anna u l-madwar – xogħlijiet li diġà ġew pjanati minn sottokumitat li waqqaf is-sindku u li, għal iktar minn sentejn, iltaqa’ bil-moħbi biex jaħdem fuq bosta proposti għal Wied il-Għajn fi sħab ma’ Infrastruttura Malta u l-Awtorità tat-Turiżmu. Is-sottokumitat fassal pjanijiet li jservu interess ekonomiku speċifiku fiż-żona u li jisirqu mill-art ta’ kulħadd. Is-sottokumitat ixxolja wara li nstab jopera illegalment. Ir-residenti madanakollu jġorru l-biża’ li l-Kompetizzjoni tad-Disinn tal-l-Awtorità tat-Turiżmu issa qegħda hemm biex jitwettqu l-proposti għat-“titjib” tal-lokalità li ma jistax iwettaq is-sottokumitat.

It-“titjib” propost jinkludi l-bini ta’ spazju tal-konkrit ġdid fuq in-naħa l-oħra tal-bajja, x’aktarx billi tittieħed iktar art mill-bajja ta’ Wied il-Għajn u b’konsegwenzi għadhom mhux magħrufa fuq l-ambjent. Il-proposti tas-sottokumitat jinkludu wkoll li t-traffiku dieħel u ħiereġ minn Wied il-Għajn jibda jgħaddi minn taħt l-iskola u minn quddiem il-knisja parrokkjali, u b’hekk jesponi l-komunità, partikolarment it-tfal u l-anzjani, għal perikli tat-traffiku kbar.

Fid-dawl ta’ dan, ir-residenti ta’ Wied il-Għajn iħeġġu lill-Awtorità tat-Turiżmu twaqqaf minnufih din il-Komptezzjoni tad-Disinn fażulla u tniedi minflok perjodu twil ta’ konsultazzjoni mar-residenti ta’ kull età u stil ta’ ħajja dwar pjan olistiku għal Wied il-Għajn.

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