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Msida Creek Project should go back to the drawing board

In light of the atrocious plans presented by Infrastructure Malta for the proposed Msida Creek project, NGOs, residents and the concerned public have come together to demand that the plans for Msida Creek go back to the drawing board.

A letter of demand has been written and sent to concerned ministers, the Msida Local Council, as well as Infrastructure Malta. This letter has been endorsed by over 200 concerned residents and citizens, as well as a number of NGOs; namely Din l-Art Ħelwa, Friends of the Earth Malta, Flimkien Għal Ambjent Aħjar, Moviment Graffitti, Ramblers’ Association Malta and The Archaeological Society Malta.   

As it currently stands, not only is the infrastructural project ill-thought out, but is an assault on open public space, and pushes for the deterioration of a pedestrianised community hub. Any project proposed should seek to improve Msida not only in terms of traffic flow, but also in aesthetics, accessibility, and sustainability, with none of these aims being remotely close to being achieved with the current proposal.

Msida residents and the Maltese people deserve better.


Il-proġett tal-Imsida Creek għandu jerġa’ jiġi mfassal

Fid-dawl tal-pjanijiet atroċi ppreżentati minn Infrastructure Malta għall-proġett tal-Imsida Creek, NGOs, residenti u l-pubbliku kkonċernat ingħaqdu flimkien biex jitolbu li l-pjanijiet għall-Imsida Creek jerġgħu jiġu mfasslin.

Inkitbet ittra ta’ talba u ntbagħtet lill-ministri kkonċernati, lill-Kunsill Lokali tal-Imsida, kif ukoll lill-Infrastructure Malta. Din l-ittra ġiet iffirmata minn ’il fuq minn 200 residenti kkonċernati, kif ukoll minn numru ta’ NGOs; fosthom Din l-Art Ħelwa, Friends of the Earth Malta, Flimkien Għal Ambjent Aħjar, Moviment Graffitti, Ramblers Association Malta u The Archaeological Society Malta.

Kif inhu bħalissa, il-proġett infrastrutturali mhux biss huwa maħsub ħażin, imma huwa wkoll attakk fuq spazju pubbliku miftuħ, u jaċċellera d-deterjorazzjoni ta’ hub komunitarju pedonali. Kull proġett propost għandu jfittex li jtejjeb l-Imsida mhux biss f’termini ta’ fluss tat-traffiku, iżda wkoll fl-estetika, l-aċċessibilità, u s-sostenibbiltà, bl-ebda wieħed minn dawn l-għanijiet ma jkunu viċin li jintlaħqu bil-proposta attwali.

Ir-residenti tal-Imsida u l-poplu Malti jixirqilhom aħjar.

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