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Moviment Graffitti calls for the unequivocal rejection of mega-development in Naxxar

Moviment Graffitti is calling on the Planning Board to unequivocally reject the proposed mega-development in Naxxar during tomorrow’s sitting at the Planning Authority (PA). Developers are proposing several towers of 13 storeys each, comprising of 113 residential units as well as commercial development, on the former trade fair grounds in Naxxar. This monstrosity is most clearly out of proportion with its surroundings, will rob residents and visitors of much needed open spaces, and will also lead to an immediate and steep decline in the quality of life.

The fact that such an out-of-proportion development has been recommended for approval by the PA is testament to the total failure of our planning system and the authorities administering it. Structures within the area of the proposed development rise up to 4 storeys, meaning that the proposed development would be three times higher than its surroundings. The overnight increase in the number of residential and commercial activity in the area will also create unsustainable pressures on the locality’s infrastructure, such as its roads and parking spaces. Hundreds of residents have strongly objected to this project and the Social Impact Assessment has clearly evidenced the overwhelming opposition to this highly intensive development. It is exasperating that the PA, by recommending this insanity for approval, seems to be totally ignoring the voices and opinions of the thousands that will be impacted, and instead taking into account only the ambitions of the developers.

In its document with 134 proposals on Planning and Construction Reform unveiled last month, Moviment Graffitti proposed a moratorium on large-scale projects, such as the one in Naxxar, until both national and localised Masterplans are enacted. There should be the identification of detailed boundaries or specific areas where such projects can take place, together with an assessment of a maximum capacity limit within these areas. Moreover, developers should pay most costs related to the upgrading of services. Under our proposals concerning large-scale projects, Local Councils affected by major private projects would also have the power to call a referendum among the locality’s residents.


Il-Moviment Graffitti jsejjaħ għar-rifjut ċar tal-iżvilupp enormi fin-Naxxar
Mhux aċċettabbli li komunitajiet jaffaċċjaw theddid kontinwu mir-regħba bla qies

Il-Moviment Graffitti qed isejjaħ lill-Bord tal-Ippjanar sabiex jirrifjuta b’mod ċar l-iżvilupp enormi propost fin-Naxxar waqt il-laqgħa t’għada fl-Awtorità tal-Ippjanar (PA). L-iżviluppaturi qed jipproponu numru ta’ torrijiet għoljin 13-il sular, li se jinkludu 113-il-post residenzjali kif ukoll żvilupp kummerċjali, fejn qabel kien hemm it-trade fair grounds tan-Naxxar. Din il-mostrożità hija, bl-iktar mod ċar, sproporzjonata mal-kuntest, se tisraq spazji miftuħa tant bżonnjużi għar-residenti, u se tbaxxi l-kwalità tal-ħajja b’mod qawwi u immedjat.

Il-fatt li żvilupp daqshekk sproporzjonat qed jiġi rrakkomandat mill-PA għall-approvazzjoni huwa xhieda tal-falliment totali tas-sistema tal-ippjanar tagħna u ta’ min jamministraha. Preżentament, l-istrutturi f’din iż-żona jitilgħu biss sa 4 sulari. Dan ifisser li l-iżvilupp propost se jkun tliet darbiet ogħla mill-madwar. Iż-żieda qawwija, mil-lejl għan-nhar, fl-attività residenzjali u kummerċjali fiż-żona se toħloq ukoll pressjonijiet insostenibbli fuq l-infrastruttura tal-lokalità, bħat-toroq u l-ispazji għall-parkeġġ. Mijiet ta’ residenti oġġezzjonaw b’saħħa, u s-Social Impact Assessment wera li l-maġġoranza assoluta jopponu żvilupp ta’ din l-intensità. Huwa xokkanti kif il-PA, meta rrakkomandat il-proġett għall-approvazzjoni, injorat il-vuċi u l-opinjonijiet tal-eluf li se jintlaqtu minnu, u minflok tat kas biss tal-ambizzjonijet tal-iżviluppaturi.

Fid-dokument b’134 proposta dwar ir-Riforma fl-Ippjanar u l-Kostruzzjoni, li ġie mniedi x-xhar li għadda, il-Moviment Graffitti ppropona moratorju fuq il-proġetti kollha kbar ħafna, bħal dan tan-Naxxar, sakemm jidħlu fis-seħħ Masterplans nazzjonali u lokali. Għandha ssir identifikazzjoni ta’ konfini jew żoni speċifiċi li fihom jistgħu jsiru proġetti ta’ dan it-tip, flimkien ma’ assessjar tal-limitu fil-kapaċità massima ta’ dawn iż-żoni. Barra minn dan, l-iżviluppaturi għandhom iħallsu l-parti l-kbira tal-ispejjeż sabiex jiġu mtejba s-servizzi f’dawn iż-żoni. Skont il-proposti tagħna dwar proġetti kbar ħafna, il-Kunsilli Lokali għandhom ukoll ikollhom is-setgħa li jsejħu referendum għar-residenti tal-lokalitajiet tagħhom.

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