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Activists, residents and farmers bring IM works to a halt

This morning, activists from Moviment Graffitti together with farmers and residents from Dingli have brought Infrastructure Malta roadworks to a halt in the area known as Tas-Sienja.

Without permits or warnings whatsoever, Infrastructure Malta showed up with its heavy machinery on the site in question, which includes private properties, to build a road about which no details were made available.

This is a classic case of abuse of power which is typical of Infrastructure Malta, its CEO Frederick Azzopardi, with the direct responsibility for all this falling under Minister Ian Borg who is also an elected MP from Dingli.

This is not the first time IM behaves in this manner, especially when farmers and residents are involved, but we now feel they’ve gone well past the limit and we have decided that this arrogance and bullying cannot go on unabated.

Therefore, we will stay on the site for as long as we deem necessary with the intention of stopping these roadworks.

We have also filed reports with the authorities concerned and we don’t exclude further action if IM persists with its behaviour.


Attivisti,  bdiewa u residenti jwaqqfu xogħlijiet ta’ Infrastructure Malta

Dalgħodu, attivisti tal-Moviment Graffitti flimkien ma’ bdiewa u residenti minn Ħad Dingli waqqfu xogħlijiet ta’ Infrastructure Malta fiż-żona magħrufa bħala tas-Sienja.

Mingħajr sliem u mingħajr kliem, Infrastructure Malta ħadet il-makkinarju fuq is-sit, li jinkludi artijiet privati, biex tibni triq li ħadd ma jaf xejn dwarha.

Dan huwa każ klassiku ta’ abbuż ta’ poter minn Infrastructure Malta, mis-CEO tagħha Frederick Azzopardi, u taħt ir-responsabbiltà diretta tal-Ministru Ian Borg li huwa wkoll Membru Parlamentari elett minn Ħad Dingli.

Mhijiex l-ewwel darba li IM iġġib ruħha b’dan il-mod, speċjalment fejn jidħlu bdiewa u residenti, iżda issa nqabeż verament kull limitu u ddeċidejna li din l-arroganza u l-ibbuljar ma jistgħux jibqgħu sejrin qisu xejn mhu xejn.

Għaldaqstant, se nibqgħu fuq il-post għall-ħin kollu li nqisu li huwa meħtieġ, bl-intenzjoni li nwaqqfu dawn ix-xogħlijiet milli jsiru.

Għamilna wkoll rapporti mal-awtoritajiet ikkonċernati u ma neskludux azzjonijiet oħra jekk Infrastructure Malta tippersisti fl-aġir tagħha.

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