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People see through DB’s lies – thousands object for the third time to DB’s monstrosity

Over 5,800 objections have been submitted to the PA through this online form, during the representation period for the proposed DB Group project on the ITS site, which closes today. Many objections are still to be acknowledged by the PA.  The Local Councils of Pembroke, Swieqi and St. Julian’s, as well as several environmental and cultural NGOs, have also filed their objection.

DB’s project has repeatedly broken records in terms of the number of objections it has attracted. A total of over 14,000 objections were submitted by the public during the three representation periods connected to this application that took place over the past three years.

This clearly shows that the people have not been fooled by DB’s aggressive PR campaign that has flooded every type of media with adverts of their monstrosity. It also shows that the people have seen through the lies of the DB Group about their project being changed significantly and about having “listened” to the people’s concerns. The truth is that everyone, ranging from residents and Local Councils to business organisations and NGOs, remains opposed to the building of a commercial structure of massive width, height and volume, in a residential area and adjacent to sensitive natural sites.

The authorities cannot continue ignoring the wide and sustained opposition to this project. DB’s so-called “City Centre” should be categorically refused and placed in a dustbin of atrocious plans that will never see the light of day. Moreover, the National Auditor has recently found that the DB Group was given public land in a totally irregular manner, and that disgraced former Minister Konrad Mizzi had tried to actively mislead the investigation by the National Auditor. Thus, we call on the authorities to revoke the illegitimate agreement with the DB Group and return that land to the

1.    Flimkien għal Ambjent Aħjar
2.    Friends of the Earth Malta
3.    The Malta Archaeological Society
4.    Moviment Graffitti
5.    Nature Trust Malta
6.    Bicycle Advocacy Group
7.    BirdLife Malta
8.    Żminijietna – Voice of the Left
9.    Din l-Art Ħelwa


In-nies ma belgħux il-gideb tad-DB – eluf joġġezzjonaw għat-tielet darba għall-mostrożità tad-DB

Iktar minn 5,800 oġġezzjoni ġew ippreżentati lill-Awtorità tal-Ippjanar permezz ta’ din il-formola online, waqt il-perjodu ta’ rappreżentazzjoni għal dan il-proġett propost mid-DB Group fuq is-sit tal-ITS, li jagħlaq illum. Ħafna minn dawn l-oġġezzjonijiet għad iridu jiġu rikonoxxuti mill-PA. Il-Kunsilli Lokali ta’ Pembroke, is-Swieqi u San Ġilan, kif ukoll diversi għaqdiet ambjentali u kulturali, ukoll ippreżentaw l-oġġezzjoni tagħhom.

Il-proġett tad-DB ripetutament kiser ir-rekord bin-numru ta’ oġġezzjonjiet li rċieva. Total ta’ ‘l fuq minn 14,000 oġġezzjoni ġew ippreżentati mill-pubbliku waqt tliet perjodi ta’ rappreżentazzjoni marbuta ma’ din l-applikazzjoni fuq medda ta’ tliet snin.

Dan juri biċ-ċar li n-nies ma’ ġewx imqarrqa bil-kampanja aggressiva ta’ reklamar tad-DB li mliet kull forma ta’ midja f’reklami dwar din il-mostrożità tagħhom. Juri wkoll li n-nies indunaw bil-gideb li qed jigdeb id-DB Group dwar kif il-proġett tagħhom issa ġie mibdul b’mod sinifikanti u kif huma semgħu it-tħassib tan-nies. Il-verità hi li kulħadd, mir-residenti u l-Kunsilli Lokali, sa għaqdiet tan-negozju u dawk volontarji, baqgħu kontra l-bini ta’ struttura kummerċjali ta’ wisgħa, għoli u volum massiċċ f’żona residenzjali u qrib siti naturali sensittivi.

L-awtoritajiet ma jistgħux jibqgħu jinjoraw l-oppożizzjoni wiesgħa li baqgħet tintwera kontra dan il-proġett. L’hekk imsejjaħ “City Centre” tad-DB għandu jkun rifjutat b’mod kategoriku u mitfugħ f’barmil taż-żibel fejn jintremew il-pjanijiet atroċi kollha li qatt mhu se jaraw ix-xemx. Barra minn dan, l-Awditur Ġenerali ftit ilu sab li d-DB Group ingħata din l-art pubblika b’mod totalment irregolari u li l-ex Ministru mkeċċi Konrad Mizzi kien ipprova jfixkel l-investigazzjoni tal-Awditur Ġenerali. Għalhekk, aħna nappellaw lill-awtoritajiet biex iħassru l-ftehim illeġġittimu li sar mad-DB Group u biex jirritornaw din l-art lill-poplu.

1.    Flimkien għal Ambjent Aħjar
2.    Friends of the Earth Malta
3.    The Malta Archaeological Society
4.    Moviment Graffitti
5.    Nature Trust Malta
6.    Bicycle Advocacy Group
7.    BirdLife Malta
8.    Żminijietna – Voice of the Left
9.    Din l-Art Ħelwa

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