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[WATCH] Thousands join Iż-Żejjed Kollu Żejjed protest in Valletta

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It’s been a great day, after four busy weeks of organisation. Every minute was worth it.

Thanks to all those of you who came – over 3,000 people – the 68 groups who endorsed the protest, and who helped with the organisation.

Today you’ve helped build the foundations for something truly special. This doesn’t stop here.

That’s a promise!



Wara erba’ ġimgħat ta’ ħidma, kollaborazzjonijiet, pjanijiet, nistgħu ngħidu li kuntenti b’kull minuta li qattajna.

Grazzi lil dawk kollha li ġew – ‘l fuq minn 3,000 ruħ – lit-68 grupp li pparteċipaw, lil dawk li għenuna fl-organizzazzjoni.

Ilum twieled moviment ġdid. U mhux se tieqaf hawn. Ser inkomplu. U din wegħda.


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