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Letter on ITS project presented by Pembroke residents to MPs

Representatives of Pembroke residents opposing the massive db Group project on the ITS site presented a letter to Members of Parliament (MPs) elected from the 9th and 10th district. The letter was presented to Hon. Evarist Bartolo, Hon. Dr Michael Falzon, Hon. Dr Clifton Grima, Hon. Dr Emmanuel Mallia, Hon. Dr Karol Aquilina Hon. Robert Arrigo, Hon. Kristy Debono, Hon. Karl Gouder, Hon. Dr Marthese Portelli and Hon. Dr Marlene Farrugia during three separate meetings held with MPs from the Labour Party (PL), the Nationalist Party (PN) and the Democratic Party (PD).


Pembroke residents alongside several NGOs and the Pembroke, Swieqi and St. Julian’s local councils are conducting the campaign ‘Do Not Bury Us Alive’ in order to highlight the extremely negative effects that the monstrous development proposed by the db Group would have on residents and the environment. These effects include heavy, long and permanent shadows, hazardous dust, endless traffic and an intense commercial activity that is not suitable for a residential area. The Planning Authority (PA) advisory panel on design has described the proposed project as “out of scale with its context”. A record number of over 4,000 objections to the proposed project on the ITS site has been submitted to the PA.


During the meeting with MPs, Pembroke residents urged the elected representatives to champion their concerns and interests before those of others who seek to make a one-time profit to the detriment of the nation, its citizens and their future generations.



Ittra dwar il-proġett fis-sit tal-ITS ippreżentata mir-residenti ta’ Pembroke lill-Membri Parlamentari


Rappreżentanti tar-residenti f’Pembroke li qegħdin jopponu l-proġett enormi tad-db Group fis-sit tal-ITS ippreżentaw ittra lill-Membri Parlamentari (MPs) li ġew eletti mid-9 u l-10 distrett. L-ittra kienet ippreżentata lil Onor. Evarist Bartolo, Onor. Dr Michael Falzon, Onor. Dr Clifton Grima, Onor. Dr Manuel Mallia, Onor. Dr Karol Aquilina, Onor. Robert Arrigo, Onor. Kristy Debono, Onor. Karl Gouder, Onor. Dr Marthese Portelli u Onor. Dr Marlene Farrugia fi tliet laqgħat separati mal-MPs mill-Partit Laburista (PL), il-Partit Nazzjonalista (PN) u l-Partit Demokratiku (PD).


Residenti f’Pembroke flimkien ma’ għaqdiet mhux governattivi u l-kunsilli lokali ta’ Pembroke, is-Swieqi u San Ġiljan qegħdin imexxu l-kampanja ‘Tidfnuniex Ħajjin’ bil-għan li titqajjem kuxjenza dwar l-effetti estremament negattivi li dan l-iżvilupp mostruż propost mid-db Group se jkollu fuq ir-residenti u l-ambjent. Dawn l-effetti jinkludu dellijiet tqal, twal u permanenti, trab perikoluż, traffiku ma jaqta’ xejn u attività kummerċjali intensa li mhijiex adatta għal żona residenzjali. L-bord tal-Awtorità tal-Ippjanar (PA) li eżamina d-disinn ta’ dan il-proġett sejjaħlu “sproporzjonat mal-kuntest tiegħu”. Numru rekord ta’ ‘l fuq minn 4,000 oġġezzjoni għall-proġett propost fuq is-sit tal-ITS ġie sottomess lill-PA.


Fil-laqgħa mal-MPs, r-residenti ta’ Pembroke ħeġġew lir-rappreżentati eletti fil-Parlament sabiex jiddefendu l-interessi tagħhom u jaraw li dawn jiġu qabel l-interessi ta’ min irid jagħmel ħafna qligħ malajr għas-skapitu tal-pajjiż, iċ-ċittadini tiegħu u l-ġenerazzjoniijiet futuri.

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