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Over 4,000 objections to the proposed ITS project

A record number of over 4,000 objections to the proposed project on the ITS site has been submitted to the Planning Authority during the objection period that ends today. Whilst thousands of these objections were submitted online, Pembroke residents have also collected hundreds of hard-copy objections, and took them to the PA today.

People are objecting to this project since it will bury people alive under a massive structure involving a 37-storey tower and a 19-storey hotel that would be built only a few meters away from residents as well as near an area of ecological importance, and without the adequate infrastructure to support it. It would create almost permanent shade for many residents, generate 7,500 car trips daily, produce hazardous dust and extend Paceville into areas planned for residential use.


‘Il fuq minn 4,000 oġġezzjoni għall-proġett propost flok l-ITS

Numru rekord ta’ ‘il fuq minn 4,000 oġġezzjoni għall-proġett propost fuq is-sit tal-ITS ġie sottomess lill-Awtorità tal-Ippjanar (PA) matul il-perjodu għall-oġġezzjonijiet li jagħlaq illum. Filwaqt li eluf ta’ oġġezzjonijiet ġew mibgħuta b’mod elettroniku, ir-residenti ta’ Pembroke ġabru wkoll mijiet ta’ oġġezzjonijiet stampati, li ttieħdu llum għand il-PA.

In-nies qed joġġezzjonaw għal dan il-proġett għaliex dan se jidfen lin-nies ħajjin taħt struttura enormi li fiha torri ta’ 37 sular u lukanda ta 19-il sular, li se jinbena ftit metri ‘il bogħod mir-residenti kif ukoll qrib żona ekoloġika importanti, u mingħajr l-infrastruttura meħtieġa biex ikun sostnut proġett ta’ dan id-daqs. Dan se joħloq dell kważi permanenti fuq ħafna residenti, se jiġġenera 7,500 vjaġġ bil-karozza kuljum, joħloq trabijiet perikolużi u jestendi lil Paceville lejn żona ippjanata għall-użu residenzjali.

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